View Full Version : Trying to be rational

03-01-14, 19:58
I have been a member for a while and have found lots of the advice really helpful in dealing with my anxiety.
But today I am struggling, a friend found a lump in her breast and it turned out to be cancer. I am now constantly prodding my breasts and think I have found a lump.
I know it's most likely benign but I am worrying myself sick.
Any advice on keeping calm would be lovely.

03-01-14, 20:05
First of all, I'm so sorry to hear about your friend, I will keep her in my prayers.

Just because you found a lump doesn't mean it's serious, I know it's hard not to jump to conclusions. Have you had a breast exam or mammogram lately? I know I have a few cysts in my left breast that I've had since I was a teenager so ti could be a cyst. Keep in mind even if it was breast cancer, which is probably isn't, usually it can be caught early and dealt with quickly. My mother in law was diagnosed after a yearly mammogram about 8 years ago. She had the mammogram, ultrasound, biopsy and was diagnosed within a week. She was in surgery a few days later to remove the lump. She followed with a few weeks of radiation and has been cancer free ever since. If you are concerned phone up your OB/GYN to get the lump checked out to ease your mind. I will keep you in my prayers, I'm sure all is well! :hugs:

03-01-14, 20:10
Thank you Leslie, I have never had a mammogram as I am too young for screening.
I will see the Dr next week, just trying to keep positive.
Thanks :)

03-01-14, 20:19
I've got a lump, saw dr on Monday she gave me anti biotics and told me that it's an infected hair follicle... Doesn't stop me worrying though :(

03-01-14, 20:19
Hi, I also know someone my age (36) who found a lump and is now having chemo for cancer. It's very scary, but also very rare for younger women. I got referred to the breast clinic myself last year because i had discharge from one breast. Despite my HA I believed it would be fine because I thought (rightly as it turned out) that it was leftover breast milk from breastfeeding, but I still got pretty worked up the day of my ultrasound and mamogram. Anyway, what I learned from this experience is that virtually everyone I know has been referred to the breast clinic. Off the top of my head right now, I can think of six women I know very well who have been for mamograms because of lumps and they have ALL turned out to be nothing. There are some unlucky people who get diagnosed with BC but there are SO many more who have lumps and bumps that are just cysts or normal tissue.

03-01-14, 20:19
I haven't ever had one before either, as I'm still in my 20's. Because you are still young, it's most likely nothing to worry about. Keep us posted!:)

Also, I know during your cycle your breast can change, I believe they can get more lumpy around the time your period would be showing up. Maybe that is the cause?

03-01-14, 20:26
Thank you all for replying!
I am 39 so I do know is less likely!
Cattia thanks it is just the fear of the unknown isn't it?
Thanks for your support!!

03-01-14, 22:14
Try not to stress Flossy. Back in september, the doctor found a large lump in my breast. That is why my health anxiety started. I was terrified. I had a mammogram and ultrasound and found out it was just fibrocystic changes which are very common and flare up during certain times of the month. Stay positive!

03-01-14, 22:23
Thanks worrieraz, I will try not to think about it all weekend!! Good to hear your fine.
Honestly if someone had told me six months ago how awful ha could be, and how it can totally take over your brain, I am not sure I would have believed them.
Thanks for your help :)

12-01-14, 21:17
Hi all
I have managed to stay on top of my panic all week, but my appointment at the breast clinic is tomorrow and honestly I am beyond terrified!!
I have managed not only to convince myself it's breast cancer, but that it will be terminal.
I just want to curl up in a ball and cry.

Any tips for relaxing and coping would be lovely.


12-01-14, 21:39
Hi Flossy,

I don't suffer from anxiety but I do experience "scanxiety" when the time approaches for my 3 months checkup after having oral cancer (next appt. Feb 18th). And FYI... I was stage IV and I made it through so "incurable" is not the norm these days. Even though I have no symptoms that would indicate it's return, I still get pretty anxious the week or so before.

I've found distraction to be the best method. I like to watch a comedy movie or silly blooper and fail videos on Youtube. I end up laughing myself silly often times and laughter as you know, is some of the best medicine :)

I'm sure everything will check out fine... go watch a movie and laugh a little ;)

Positive thoughts

12-01-14, 21:49
Thanks fmp, I have put the big bang theory on and am trying to not think at all.
And have arranged to go out for coffee in the morning before hospital to keep me occupied.
It is nice to know your not alone in thinking these thoughts.

12-01-14, 22:27
Try to breathe ! I know that sounds daft and obvious but you are probably breathing badly which can increase anxiety. Use your right hand and your thumb and ring finger. Press your right nostril in with your thumb and inhale and exhale with left nostril only. Close left nostril with ring finger and repeat. Do this 9x each side. It will help relax you. Xxx

12-01-14, 22:44
Hi flossy, big hugs :hugs:, I have quite lumpy breasts but apparently I'm very 'nodular'. The likelihood is extremely low and there are other reasons such as benign cysts etc, but I know that your rational head does not think this. I know how you feel as I'm convinced I've got stomach cancer and I'm planning on what's going to happen, how I'm going to deal with it before I've even had any 'diagnosis'. Rationally there are other explanations but it's like we have to think the worst as this is only way we can deal with it. I find that reading a book takes my mind off it or watching a comedy show. Stay clear of the internet (apart from this forum) HA is a horrible condition and I'm going to ban google from my 'devices' as it's making me a nervous wreck! Take care xxx

12-01-14, 22:54
You can set your browser or firewall to block certain websites ya know ;)

Positive thoughts

12-01-14, 22:59
Thanks Fishpa :) and re your point about cancer not being curable, good on you for beating it :yesyes:

13-01-14, 07:25
Thanks everyone.
I am trying the breathing tips.

Thanks for your support
Jojo hope you feel better soon.

13-01-14, 16:51
Thanks all, the breast clinic have given me a clean bill of health.
Thank you for all your support :-)

13-01-14, 18:17
Glad to hear it!!! :yesyes:

16-01-14, 20:00
How are you doing flossy? What was the outcome of your appt. I have an appt tomorrow with my doctor for a lump I just found and I am terrified.

16-01-14, 21:56
Hi I am doing ok thanks. The breast clinic gave me a clean bill of health and were very lovely!! I was terrified right up to going in but they scanned me and told me there and then no problems.
I can't say don't worry because I know you just can't help if but 90% of all lumps are no problem.
Keep busy, chat to a friend and good luck xx