View Full Version : Hey, my name is Marty...

03-01-14, 22:54
...and I am an anxiety sufferer.

My triggers used to be work but now it is worries about my close family.

Went back to my very understanding GP today and after weaning myself off a few months back, I am now re-taking Citilapram but a larger dose of 40 mg.

I thought I was doing well until I thought a male friend of my wife's was hitting on her and I also upset her friend with my anxiety because she thought I did not like her. I am now trying to repair all of this damage I have done and it is stressing me out even further!

I just wanted to share some advise from my quack today which gave me some comfort. He asked me how long I had been married to which I replied 20 years. Well, he said in that case the best way of looking forward is to look back. That really helped me get a bit of perspective.

I hate what anxiety does to me, I find it so hard to trust anyone - even people close to me.

This is a wonderful site - I am glad I found you all.

blue moon
04-01-14, 01:06
Petra x

08-01-14, 22:42
Update time. I have been on my Cit now for about 10 days. Although not perfect, things are a lot better.

I just wanted to share this with those reading who are at the end of their tether like I was just a week or so ago. Things do look a lot better today and hopefully tomorrow will be even better.

This site has really helped too, I continue to check in daily and will keep doing so too. There's some very nice people on here :)

Onwards and hopefully upwards...

08-01-14, 23:25
Great job, Marty. Hang around here, help yourself and some others. It's a great place to be.

13-01-14, 03:50
4am here and my mind is racing away - been awake since 3am. Usual 'triggers'. Had a good few days too :(

13-01-14, 05:55
Hope your doing better.

13-01-14, 07:04
Hope your doing better.

Thanks JB, I can see things a little more clearly in the light of day.

Gonna feel tired today!

14-01-14, 12:38
Not had a good couple of days.

Week 3 now of 40mg of Cit - generally I feel (and I am thinking) much better apart from the nausea and the odd sleeping but my triggers are still there. Not as intense but I am disappointed that they have got to me again.

You guys are a real comfort at 4am!

20-01-14, 22:42
Update time, now into week 4.

Sleeping is still a bit hit and miss. I do suffer from shaking from time to time. I have isolated anxiety attacks - my triggers are still there but nowhere near where they were three weeks ago. I do feel a lot happier just recently, I have started to laugh again and trying to get my life back on track.

I worry a bit about being on my own still - I know this is not rational. My over-analysing is all but gone but I do sometimes get a bit worked up when my triggers kick in.

Someone on here told me to raise your head and smile thru it. That works, as does exercise or going to do something constructive. Talking helps too, my wife has been a really good listener and I really feel that we are getting our lives back on track.

Week 5 update will follow.


21-01-14, 07:55
Just finished day 14 of Citalopram 20mg. I am going back to the Doctor today, hopefully have an increase. I get anxious, but for me its more depression. Nice to know there is light at the end of the tunnel.

27-01-14, 13:22
Week 5 update.

Saw the doctor today, he advised that I am probably suffering a bit with side effects due to the high dose of Cit (40mg). However, the positives are far outweighing the negatives.

Although I do feel a little fuzzy and tired at times, I do feel that (in the main) I have my life back. I have the odd episode but as soon as I feel the tell tale signs then I try and calm myself down and that generally works.

As my body gets used to the Cit, I am hoping that the side effects (fuzzy head, nausea, disturbed sleep, shaking, lack of libido, feeling tired etc.) all subside. As I mentioned above, these side effects are a small price to pay for feeling good about myself again.

Week 6 update to follow, I am particularly interested to see if the side effects diminish.

Please PM me for any help/thoughts/advice on Cit.

---------- Post added at 13:22 ---------- Previous post was at 13:21 ----------

Just finished day 14 of Citalopram 20mg. I am going back to the Doctor today, hopefully have an increase. I get anxious, but for me its more depression. Nice to know there is light at the end of the tunnel.

How's it going, Deckard?

27-01-14, 13:49
welcome Marty and I am glad to have members like you

27-01-14, 21:11
welcome Marty and I am glad to have members like you

Nice to meet you, Abdul