View Full Version : Hi and my story

03-01-14, 23:00
Hi Im Stephanie I thought I'd introduce myself by telling you my story in a nutshell.
About 4 years ago I started having some personal problems, bereavement, bad relationship then one day I had my first major panic attack. For the next 2 years or so I had heart palpitations, headaches, dizziness and much more everyday. The past two years I've become a lot better and can nearly control it, but Im scared of getting bad again. That period was the worst time in my life and I hope I can offer some help and support to anyone going through the same thing. As I said Im a lot better now but I can still have very bad days and I feel some OCD behaviour is starting to creep into my life.
Anyway I hope to make some friends here and share advice :)

03-01-14, 23:04
Hey Stephanie. I saw my GP today and he said half the battle is knowing and wanting to put things right. Are you taking anything?

Nice to meet you


03-01-14, 23:07
Hi Marty nice to meet you too. No Im not taking anything, Im a bit medicine phobic, but I agree with your GP, for me once I started accepting what it was I started to do a lot better and regain some control over myself

03-01-14, 23:17
Agreed. I have resisted meds for a while but now have issues at home (see my story)

Follow The Sun
04-01-14, 15:14
Hi Stephanie and Marty

Have you tried mindfulness? I found it helped me stay more in control when it seemed my thoughts were running in all directions. It's a kind of meditation and teaches you to slow down, focus on the present and accept how you feel and I got a free NHS course through my GP. More info here if you're interested: http://www.nhs.uk/Conditions/stress-anxiety-depression/Pages/mindfulness.aspx