View Full Version : throat cancer

04-01-14, 00:36
me again! I had a throat infection and was on anti biotics finished today, sore throat has gone but one side of my neck feels swollen? also my wisdom tooth is playing up and I think its infected but this is on the opposite side to my swollen neck.. what is this ? its one thing after another with me wish it would give me a break

04-01-14, 00:46
awh lovely - I'm feeling your pain right now.
I've been on anti biotics for a throat infection also .... I've finished my anti biotics but have a feeling of a lump in my throat and feeling like I'm choking....throat is still abit sore.
Was back at dr today - she's very adamant that it's Globus and nothing more - of course I'm convinced it's throat cancer and I have a massive tumour at the back of my throat....
I feel that my lymph nodes are swollen in my neck and I have a lot of pain in between my shoulder blades (which is the tumour pushing onto my spine - in my mind !!!) ...
I'm 100% sure that your infection has cleared up and you maybe have a wee swollen gland left over from your infection.
Big hugs

04-01-14, 01:03
Hi Natalie,

I'm not big on reassurance as I've seen it really doesn't help long term. In this case I want to offer a bit. I responded with the same information last month so it proves my point about reassurance.

I'm an oral cancer survivor. SCC stage IV oropharyngeal (back of throat). Head and Neck cancers don't just pop up out of the blue nor do they present themselves in the manner you describe. In the vast majority of cases, including mine, there are no real symptoms or pain and when it does show itself, it's pretty advanced.

I'm not a doctor so I can't tell you what's going on with you but I can tell you with confidence it's not throat cancer. Most likely, you're experiencing some after effects from your infection. Antibiotics continue to work in your system for up to a week after you're done taking them and swollen glands and such need time to return to normal. If you're not any better after a week, contact your doctor. Otherwise relax and get better. Treating your anxiety wouldn't hurt either ;)

Positive thoughts

04-01-14, 01:48
I've just come off antibiotics for a bacterial throat infection that was originally thought to be a viral infection, my wisdom teeth are coming through really painfully, I have really bad pain in my jaw, mouth and neck and my neck gets swollen. I highly doubt it's throat cancer, especially if google has told you, it's one of the top results when you google throat problems, but one of the least likely. Go to your doctor if you get really worried, but if they're not worried believe them. I've been through it all. Try not to worry I know it's hard. :/