View Full Version : Hi, I'm a new member and have anxiety

04-01-14, 05:24
First of all I'd like to introduce myself.
Just to let the moderators and administrators know.
I'm transgender and have GID which is why my e-mail name and profile name are different.
I hope my gender and sexuality doesn't make anyone think less of me, I am a nice person if you get to know me.

Anyway, I am unemployed, not because I want to be but because I'm mentally handicapped.
I am Autistic and dyslexic.
I also suffer with depression and mild heart problems.

I am 26 years of age and live in North London in England.

I've always had panic attacks ever since I was really young but as I got older, they became worse and out of control hence way I struggle to work, even if it's just non-prophet volunteer work, I still tend to get anxious around stressful environments.

I am currently on antidepressants and beta blockers which are supposed to help but I still get the occasional horrible attacks.

As for my name, you can call Andrew.

Daisy Sue
04-01-14, 07:54
Hi & welcome, Andrew :)

blue moon
04-01-14, 11:20
:welcome:Hello Andrew,hope you enjoy the site.
Love Petra x:D

04-01-14, 11:35
Hey Andrew, good to meet you mate

04-01-14, 11:44
Hi Andrew. I got over my panic attacks using a book called no more panic. I used the cognitive behaviour therapy techniques to get them to ease and go away. I'd recommend it to anyone.
The way to get through it is to breath and focus on your breathing. Don't run from it but face it. Know that when you have a panic attack it won't harm you, it's just your natural instincts trying to protect you. Keep telling yourself that
There's also a download you can try, it's free, it helps you when you are having an attack. here's the link:
just scroll down and you will find it
all the best. you can get better

04-01-14, 14:06
Welcome Andrew! I think you will find a great deal of support on NMP. I've been here for awhile and it has helped me a lot. There are many great folks on here that really care and will understand what you're going through. Good luck on your journey.

04-01-14, 14:22
Welcome aboard :D

04-01-14, 14:31
Hello Andrew you will find alot of help and support here lol we are lovely :D

04-01-14, 16:02
Hi Andrew and a warm :welcome:!

I'm sure you'll find lots of supportive friends on here and, to answer your question, your gender/sexuality makes no difference to any of us. We're all equal here and we're members because of our anxiety disorders. I'm sure everything you've experienced has made you a very strong person and you'll be able to give some excellent support to others.

Take care

Pip x

05-01-14, 12:10
Thank you all for the warm welcomes.

A lot of other forum sites have a lot of mean people but I can see that this place is decent. :)


Thank you, that's really helpful, I shall take a look at that. Any help with my anxiety, I am truly grateful.


That's nice to know.
As mentioned before, many other sites were very judgemental and criticizing.
It's a pleasure to be in such a place where I feel like I belong.