View Full Version : Hiv Worry

04-01-14, 06:28
Hello everyone, I have recently developed a worry that I have contracted hiv and it's ruining my life!

Basically, I had a very short encounter with a woman giving me unprotected oral sex and I do not know her status. The encounter happened about 3 months ago and I started feeling symptoms of pressure in the head recently that have alarmed me.

Some of the symptoms I've been experiencing are soft spots on the head, pain in the back right of the neck, hot flashes / chills, flushed feeling, nausea, dizziness, sore throat / something in throat, sensitivity to light in eyes, shaky cold hands / hot body, achey joints, tingling in different areas, pain in cheek and jaw, and a swollen lymph node on right side of neck. Mainly symptoms have affected the right side, but idk if that means anything.

I also have all four wisdom teeth and am going to get them out as a recommendation by my dentist, and I've read that wisdom teeth can definitely cause some of those so I'm a little less freaked out. Has anyone experienced any of this before? The weird thing is that none of the symptoms last very long and none of them happen at the same time, which is very odd to me. I have been feeling some of them on and off for about a month now. Which I've read isn't indicative of Hiv but I'm still worried.

Also, a main common symptom of hiv is a constant fever, which I have not had, in fact, despite hot flashes I have not had a fever at all according to the thermometer. I'm hoping that's a good sign.

I got a few regular blood tests done about 8 weeks after the encounter and everything showed up 100% fine, which really relieved some stress, but now I'm back to worrying again bc it was not an hiv test.

I am definitely planning to get the rapid test this week but I'm looking for some reassurance and help since I've heard contracting with oral is extremely low risk!

Just looking for some help and a friend. Thank you for reading!

04-01-14, 08:34
Hi Sean,

When I read your post, I saw two things...

First was your worry.

Second were all the reasons NOT to worry. I think if you read your own post again, you'll see you're right NOT to worry ;) Read the "Symptoms" link on the left side of the page and you'll find many of the symptoms you're experiencing. Your wisdom teeth indeed will cause the remaining issues.

Positive thoughts

04-01-14, 10:17
Hi Sean,

Looks like you're on the good side. If it worries you too much, an HIV test wouldn't really hurt. It's your ultimate gateway to relief.

05-01-14, 05:12
I have also had this same fear in the past - allayed only by just getting a blood test done! HIV is NOT that easy to catch! I have not once heard of HIV being contracted through Oral.

My cousin married a man who has Aids, they've certainly had intercourse (with protection) and she has not contracted it in the 15+ years of marriage. It's just not that easy to contract.

05-01-14, 10:11
The hiv worry is a hard one because it does not leave until you get tested although people can tell you a million times how low the risk is.fir example, I don't know you but from your post your risk is basically non existent. No I'm not a doctor but this worry crippled me for years and I learnt a lot. Safe sex is of course best but even IF she had HIV and you had unprotected sex with her fully which you didn't your risk would still be low believe it of not. However that is not to say it's good idea as I said as there are lots of other things to worry about.

05-01-14, 10:51
I had the same worries a few years ago after unprotected sex with my new bf. My friend totally freaked me out mentioning HIV and after looking up the symptoms etc, I quickly developed almost every symptom of HIV - most of the ones you mentioned. These symptoms would come and go for around 3 months before I eventually went and got tested. As soon as the result came back negative I felt totally fine again and the symptoms stopped.

It sounds like you probably don't have too much to worry about, I also havnt heard of anyone contracting HIV orally. A couple of years ago I did a first aid course and something that came up was the possibility of contracting HIV through somebody else's blood. My first aid instructor said that you would have to physically drink quite a lot of the other persons blood before being at risk of contracting it as it really isn't all that easy to catch.

Go and get tested and put your mind at ease :)

05-01-14, 18:41
Hello everyone,

Just wanted to update you all

First and foremost thank you all for the kind words. Definitely what I was looking for :)

The strange thing is that my symptoms are pretty much 90% gone now and although it seems like I should be happy for that, it's freaking me out bc it seems as though according to the numbers game, I have the virus. What I mean is that the symptoms started affecting me heavily a little over a week ago and then completely stopped yesterday, and I've read that most people feel the symptoms for a week or two.

I'm just concerned with how sudden it started and ended and the timing of it happening around 10 weeks after my encounter.

I know I need to get tested to rest my mind, which I have to wait to do this week, but does anyone have any thoughts on that?

A side note is that after the first day of feeling weird I was prescribed amoxicillan by a doctor who thought it may be caused by my tooth, and I haven't finished the dosage yet but idk if it's related at all since I felt the symptoms before starting it. Also he gave me the pills bc my wisdom tooth may have been infected but he is not a dentist and the tooth did not seem infected visually.

Thank you all again for your help :) I really appreciate it!!

05-01-14, 19:12
it seems as though according to the numbers game, I have the virus.

Actually, it seems from the numbers game that you don't, because statistically it's virtually impossible for you to get the virus through receiving oral sex. That's the relevant number here.

The fact that you've felt under the weather--when you've also possibly had a bacterial infection, no less!--is not a significant "number" because there are a million different things that make you feel under the weather, especially with such non-specific symptoms that are so commonly associated with anxiety.

See? Your grade school teacher was right--math is your friend :D.

05-01-14, 19:48
You have not got hiv mate, no I'm not a psychic but in a week you will see I'm right. I spent years as I said worrying and virtually becoming an expert in the field. Just believe me. The virus thing is normal and for some reason always bloody occurs at times like this. I used to get rashes flu and all sorts when I started worrying about HIV and always within the window period. Pm me if you want more info. Also I can get a number for you to put your mind at ease in the morning if you like. They will speak to you logically. It's a top hiv helpline

---------- Post added at 19:48 ---------- Previous post was at 19:45 ----------

Just seen your in the US so number won't help but just believe me

05-01-14, 23:58
Definitely just get the test. It will be bad anxiety while you wait for results (but it sounds like you can get a real fast test where you live?) but it will be worth it for the end reassurance.

06-01-14, 04:19
Thank you all again so much for your kind words

I guess anxiety isn't anything to mess with. I just don't understand how to get rid of feeling this way.

I have kind of come to terms with the fact that it's probably not hiv but I still will get the test for reassurance.

Now I'm thinking it's MS. Ugh this is ridiculous haha