View Full Version : things do get better with hard work and cbt

04-01-14, 10:06

I just wanted to update you all as i havent been on here for a while.
I have been having cbt and facing up to my fears. Dont get me wrong it wasnt easy and there are still some bad days but not many. I have learnt to vope with them and how to deal with situations.
After been told that there was nothing wrong with me i have found out that i do have a rythem issue with my heart (only minor) and my tummy issues are caused by food.
What iam trying to say is dont give up. Keep fighting this anxity as things can get better.

Good luck to everyone and happy new year

04-01-14, 10:15
Awesome post! There are several members that are having success with CBT. I hope all here read this and are inspired!

Positive thoughts!

04-01-14, 10:15
Wow, I am glad that CBT is working really well for you!

I am actually considering it but I can't seem to find an expert here who can accommodate me with my current HA fears.

Keep us posted!

04-01-14, 10:20
Wow, I am glad that CBT is working really well for you!

I am actually considering it but I can't seem to find an expert here who can accommodate me with my current HA fears.

Keep us posted!

I'm by no means an expert but there's a free course here:


I don't suffer from anxiety but I downloaded it and find it helpful for several issues in my life. Knowledge is power and by understanding why you react the way you do, it helps you to control it. This course does just that.

Positive thoughts

04-01-14, 10:51
Wow, I am glad that CBT is working really well for you!

I am actually considering it but I can't seem to find an expert here who can accommodate me with my current HA fears.

Keep us posted!

Hi Skyisblue

Where abouts are you from? The therapist I found reckoned that at least 25% of her patients had HA. She was quite fabulous.

04-01-14, 13:28
Excellent job, Mrs. Nobody. So glad to hear that CBT is working for you. Good to read a positive post. Keep up the great work.

04-01-14, 13:30
I started with the free no panic cbt course and it was by doing that which made me get help from first steps. My first counseller didnt work and i asked to see someone else. The new person listerned to me and for the first time ever they didnt make me feel silly with what i was thinking. Cbt isnt easy and its difficult facing up to what i was doing to myself but it works.
I tryed medication which does help some people but i would defo give cbt ago and positive thinking.

Good luck and

04-01-14, 16:32
Good for you!! Glad to hear it! :):yesyes:

04-01-14, 18:04
That's really good to hear, I start my counselling this week and am looking forward to getting better and moving onward.
Great to have positive stories for inspiration.

05-01-14, 22:15
Good luck flossy74. Remeber its not easy its hard work. Things can get worse before they get better (i relised what i was doing to myself and my family- it was a real shock) but things can get better. Life is for living and its too short to let anxity rule things.
Let us know how you get on.

05-01-14, 22:25
Life is for living and its too short to let anxiety rule things..

That sounds very familiar.... I may have said that once or a dozen times here ;)

Positive thoughts

05-01-14, 22:29
Or Mr Fish 1408 times looking at your post count. Hope you are doing well - and congrats by the way :)

05-01-14, 22:56
Or Mr Fish 1408 times looking at your post count. Hope you are doing well - and congrats by the way :)

Thanks CP.... 1408? Dang! not a great ROI but still worth it ;)

Positive thoughts

06-01-14, 16:59
Thanks Mrs nobody, actually looking forward to it now. :)

06-01-14, 17:35
Hi Cpe1978,

Whereabouts did you see your therapist? I am in South East England (Kent).

The cbt lady I saw was very nice but I don't think she's had much experience of HA, and although I finished the course I was a bit disappointed that it didn't address a lot of my issues.

I would love to find a therapist more specialised in HA.
