View Full Version : Cancer fears -- CBC results are out

04-01-14, 10:24
Hi everyone, I've been really anxious or a few months about a lot of weight loss comments that I've been receiving.

For the past week, I've been tired and feverish as well.

I finally went to the doctor and did a CBC test.

To my amazement, every single profile came out normal! The doctor was really happy about it. She did a simple physical exam and noted that I was absolutely healthy.

I left the clinic with a big smile and relieved spirit.

However, as I went home, fear is taking over me again.

I know a complete blood count isn't really the only test they do to detect serious illnesses, but if I had anything serious like leukemia and lymphoma, would my blood test show at least something is off?

Again, my blood panel (with differential count) came back normal.

The doctor did not even mention this to me and she said live life happily (she was so nice, bless her).

Sigh, I hate HA. :(

04-01-14, 10:41
That's great news about the test. If you hate HA that much then why not at least try to help yourself by downloading the CBT program I gave you the link to? Why not read the success stories or therapy links to seek some inspiration and tips that may help you? There's really some good stuff there. It's apparent that reassurance, here or by medical professionals is not helping. I don't know, perhaps you're in a state where you can't do that but if not, what's stopping you from at least trying?

Positive thoughts and good luck

04-01-14, 11:14
Hi fish,

I am sorry if i put it that way. I absolutely find all your input helpful in more ways than one. I actually have the CBT pack with me here on my tablet. I am going through it little by little.

You personally have given me valuable advice here. Thank you.

I am still finding a good venue to look for professional help for my anxiety. Again thank you for your replies,man.

04-01-14, 12:50
That's great news about your blood test results! Blood tests are a pretty good indicator of overall health. If there was something serious going on, the chances are that something would be out of whack. The really difficut thing for us HA sufferers to live with is that there just isn't a single text we can take that will give us 100% guarantee that we are completely healthy. I know for a fact that I have had many tests for symptoms that worry me and when I get the all clear I feel great for a while, then I start to worry about different symptoms and the cycle begins again. Even if there was a test we could take that would tell us our bodies are healthy the chances are that we would start to doubt the results, or the accuracy of the test. That's why we have to try to work on the anxiety. I understand how hard it is, but try to enjoy the day and celebrate your good results.

04-01-14, 13:17
Cattie, well said.. no how many tests you have your irrational brain says there must be something wrong. It all started with a kidney infection and serious illness in the family last year. I've never had HA before, like you said it's working on the anxiety part that's the recovery. I'm doing some anxiety self help today and not googling any symptoms, I've had a change of anti depressants and the side effects both physically and mentally have turned me into a nervous wreck! I'm working on living in the now and not what if, I'm determined to beat this. Good luck everyone :-)) xx

04-01-14, 14:57
This is completely normal for an anxiety sufferer 😀 we seeks reassurance through tests , and although this is good to a certain extent (we are constantly aware of our health) it can have lots of negative impacts especially with physical symptoms of the illness. But you'll get through this, I know it's not easy to truSt the doctors opinion since anxious people constantly go looking for the worst case scenario, but you've just got to deal with things as they come.. The doctor has given you the all clear.. So unless there's an obvious reason not to believe that then you have todo your best to listen!

04-01-14, 15:11
Hi Sky, I am going through the same thing. Doctors keep telling me I am healthy but I have lost so much weight in the last couple months that I am absolutely convinced I am dying. It is scary but I am trying to remember that severe anxiety can cause weight loss too

04-01-14, 15:37
Hi fish,

I am sorry if i put it that way. I absolutely find all your input helpful in more ways than one. I actually have the CBT pack with me here on my tablet. I am going through it little by little.

You personally have given me valuable advice here. Thank you.

I am still finding a good venue to look for professional help for my anxiety. Again thank you for your replies,man.

It's good Sky.... I apologize if I came off a bit frustrated in my post. Honestly, sometimes I am. I believe that knowledge is power concerning an illness. I was diagnosed with cancer Thanksgiving of 2012. I didn't start actual treatment until March of 2013. I had nearly three months to prepare myself. I learned as much as I could about what was going to happen so when fight time came, I was ready. Ohhhhh, cancer still got in a few good left hooks but I ended up kicking it's ass by the final round.

The same goes for anxiety. It's a serious illness that has the potential to take your life. Only difference is you're above ground. It in your's and everyone's best interest to learn about the beast that afflicts you. Why do you react the way you do to stimuli? What is going on inside physiologically that is making you feel the way you do and what can you do to control it?

I downloaded the CBT course and I've read through it and it's excellent. As a sufferer, you'll read it and there will be several "Ah Ha" moments as you do. You'll see yourself as I've seen myself and others. I now understand what's going on when someone says "I can't breathe" or "I have to pee all the time" etc. It offers ways to train your mind to react differently and helps you understand what's happening with your body. I'm actually using it myself. There are several exercises that I can apply and use and are benefiting me with the depression I've been dealing with.

Please do give it a read and try. It's work but anything worth having takes work. So for me, when I see someone obviously "thirsty" and there's a bottle of water (free CBT course) right in front of them, and they don't take a sip, it frustrates me sometimes. I just see so many "thirsty" and not taking a drink. I understand you want to see one on one CBT and that makes total sense. In the mean time, get a jump start so when you do go, you'll be that much far ahead of the curve and ready to take on the beast with strength and resolve.

Positive thoughts

05-01-14, 04:36
Hey Fishmanpa what is this program you speak of? Very interested in taking a look!

05-01-14, 05:00
Hey Fishmanpa what is this program you speak of? Very interested in taking a look!

Here ya go!


I don't suffer from anxiety but I downloaded it and find it helpful for several issues in my life. Knowledge is power and by understanding why you react the way you do, it helps you to control it. This course does just that.

Positive thoughts

05-01-14, 05:14
Thanks! Just registered now.

Where do you recommend I start? There's quite a bit of material!

05-01-14, 14:56
Thanks! Just registered now.

Where do you recommend I start? There's quite a bit of material!

At the beginning of course :) It's a journey. A journey of discovery and knowledge and the journey starts with one step at a time. Master each step, use the workbooks. In fact, start a binder, print out the worksheets, have a journal etc. Do what it says to do. It's work but anything worth having takes work. It's a change in your normal routine that you must make part of your normal routine.

Just like me and the cancer, anxiety can be healed but you don't use the word cured. It can came back so you have to continue to do the things to keep yourself healthy.

Positive thoughts

10-01-14, 10:42
Hi fish, thank you for your thoughts again. Took me a little while to get back on the net. I'll reply more properly after this. Thank you so much

11-01-14, 08:48
Hello cattia, jojo, and anxietysufferer, thank you again for the reassurance. I know how CBC tests are not really definitive tests to confirm whether or not you have the big C or not especially during non-late stages, but like what most of you said, this is a good indicator of overall health. Well, at least I do not have to worry too much about anything blood related for now.

It's so strange. With the absence of particular symptoms, I am scared of the big C. Nothing in particular, but the big C in general. I guess it's really difficult for us to fight this with current irrational thoughts. I am doing my best to be practical about it and be more realistic. The doctor does not seem to be concerned and my family is starting to worry about me because of my constant worrying. :hugs:

I just hope I can get through the weight loss comments soon.

Hi worriraz, I'll send you a private message. Thank you for letting me know that I am indeed not alone in this weight loss scare!

Fish, thank you again for the positive thoughts. I know it really takes some time before everything will start to sink in, but like you said, everything is a process. I guess rushing for results won't help a bit as it will only breed frustrations. There is absolutely no need to apologize, fish. Again, thank you for the support you've given here. I've been following your posts and I can see that you are indeed a strong and supportive person.

I hope I can get through this even if the pace will start off as a slow one. I'm taking a deep breath right now. If anybody else out there is still concerned about this similar situation, please do feel free to share your thoughts here.