View Full Version : Breasts

04-01-14, 12:46
Is normal breast tissue lumpy? My HA was triggered by my breasts 18 months ago, I had scans and everything was fine and my HA moved on to another symptom or should I say symptoms. Now this morning the breast fear has returned, I don't know why!! I've starting checking my breasts constantly again and they are lumpy and I feel so low. Does anyone else feel like this? Thanks x

04-01-14, 14:30
My breasts are very "lumpy" also if you are due to get your period they will be in even lumpier.

04-01-14, 19:59
My breasts are just like that. It's completely normal - but I still worry and obsess over my breasts all the time.

04-01-14, 21:00
Thanks for your replies. God I hate HA, just wish it would go now :hugs:

04-01-14, 21:58
Just want to say thanks for a "breast" thread. The "poo" threads were getting to me! I'd much rather read about a lumpy boob than a #2 on the Bristol Stool Chart ;)

Positive thoughts!

04-01-14, 22:01
FMP... breasts may well be on an equal level with poo for anxiety obsessions!!! (especially mine)

I can see though that breasts are easier to read about than poo.

04-01-14, 22:16
FMP... breasts may well be on an equal level with poo for anxiety obsessions!!! (especially mine)

I can see though that breasts are easier to read about than poo.

I'd venture to guess there are a lot of men that wouldn't mind checking for lumps ;)

Her: "Honey, would you mind checking the girls for lumps?"
Him: :yesyes:

Lightheartedness aside, I do see how that would be an obsession for an HA sufferer.

Positive thoughts

05-01-14, 00:28
Breast tissue IS lumpy! I went through my own HA scare about this because I thought I felt a mass in one breast and not the other. The reason for this, I discovered, was that one of my breasts is ever so slightly larger than the other. When I felt a lump on one side, I felt no lump in the same place on the other side. I FREAKED OUT! Now I always use a mirror when I am examining my breasts so that I can make sure I am feeling them in the same places and feeling the lumpy symmetry that many women have!

05-01-14, 12:36
I'm so scared I can't stop checking my breasts all those horrible thoughts are back!!! I don't know what to do:weep:

05-01-14, 13:13
Add me to the breast worry , when I'm coming to the end of my period I worry for days that I have to check my breasts and I may find something , I will only do it on a day when if I needed go I could go to the docs , it's so Tiring :( . My breasts are naturally lumpy and have also been to the breasts clinic x

05-01-14, 13:16
I've been to the breast clinic twice in the last two years they found large cysts in my left breast that had got bigger when I went back. I don't know whether it's these I can feel or whether it's just normal lumps. I'm sorry that you feel like this too I wouldn't wish this feeling on anyone xxx

05-01-14, 13:48
Surely if you've been twice you have nothing to worry about ? I'm no expert but wouldn't think anything could grow that quick ? It's awful isn't it and do you find everything on the tv is about breast cancer when your in the grips of it ? X

05-01-14, 14:00
Thanks Rebecca yes I do find whatever my anxiety is focused on at that point I see it everywhere I guess that's because we are so sensitive to that particular disorder at the time. The last time I went for tests was about 14 months ago so I just worry that something has happened since then xx

05-01-14, 14:02
Why don't you go to the doctors just to put your mind at rest x

07-01-14, 12:59
I really don't know what to do with myself, the more I feel my breasts the more I can feel lumps I'm petrified I'm so scared of dying I don't know what to do anymore I can't cope with these thoughts and feelings!!

07-01-14, 18:13
pm me!!

07-01-14, 19:48
I've been feeling the same lately :(

07-01-14, 19:52
Sadly it's not something I've been feeling lately:D

I hope all your worries are unfounded like so many of ours are.

12-01-14, 14:17
Im feeling like this :( I think I have naturally lumpy breasts and one of mine is slightly bigger than the other and im sure I can feel more lumpyness on one side than the other its freaking me out I keep thinking abput the c word its driving me mad!!!!

12-01-14, 23:31
It's normal for breasts to be a little different in size. Body parts are not symmetrical. I mean, do you have rings that you can wear on one hand but not the other? I do, always have.

Also, if you have fibrocystic breasts the lumpiness is normal and can get worse with getting older, caffeine intake, time of the month, etc.

Believe me, I know what the anxiety is like. Many years ago when my almost-18-year-old son was in 4th or 5th grade I thought I'd found something bad. I was just sick. I almost said something fatalistic to him when driving him home from school one day, something like: "Well, Mommy's probably going to die". How sick is that?!?! Thank God I did not!!

I know I have fibrocystic breasts, it's why I have my husband do any exams, I refuse to do it because I know I will freak out over anything. He's been touching them for over 20 years, I reckon he knows them as well as I do LOL

I was having some breast pain last month and I was a basket case. You know where the mind goes. Well, it was that "time of the month" and my caffeine intake had been through the roof for weeks. I have backed off the caffeine and it's made a huge difference.

13-01-14, 00:15
Well, i've had lumpy breasts since my early twenties at least and I'm still here :D I can feel what I've always assumed are glands in there - or I guess they could be cysts because there seems to be too many of them to be glands - but they aren't causing me any pain so I ignore them. They get much bigger when I'm on my period and sometimes they really hurt around that time.

It sounds to me like you've been checked out and everything is fine, so what you're feeling now is the normal lumpiness. I've always assumed that when they say 'abnormal lumps' in the breast it would be something so bizarre you'd just know. I don't think if you had a cancerous lump you'd be thinking - is that a normal lump or a dangerous lump? I think it would be obvious.

13-01-14, 12:47
We'll been to the gp today who has checked my breasts, she said she can't feel anything other than normal breast glands and tissues! What she has said though due to the way my anxiety is now affecting me and that CBT and medications have not worked she is now going to refer me to a psychiatrist. I'm not sure whether to see this as a good or bad thing x

---------- Post added at 12:47 ---------- Previous post was at 12:46 ----------

Thanks for all your replies xx

13-01-14, 13:16
Some people need a little more help than others with their anxiety. There's absolutely nothing wrong with that. You have a GP that is genuinely concerned and on top of things. This is a good thing.

Positive thoughts

16-01-14, 21:32
What do your lumps feek like? Ive got some that feel long like ropey and some that arw lumoy if that makes sense x