View Full Version : Anxiety out of control close to the edge

04-01-14, 13:08
Don't know if anyone can identify or help but i have gone from a happy contented life to a the never ending misery of anxiety in 10 months

It started with an ear infection brought on by a virus which was diagnosed as Memieres disease and then 4 weeks later as wax in the ear by the same doctor would you believe!!

After 6 months and visits to ENT (where nothing untoward was found) I developed anxiety with a permanent feeling of aural fullness,tinnitus and Hyperacusis.

I have tried counselling CBT breathing excersises and medication (Sertraline which didn't agree with me)

The aural fullness and tinnitus drives me to distraction and I am now getting close to the edge

Has anyone out there experienced this hell and if so how did they cope and did they recover

Thanks everyone

04-01-14, 14:32
I really feel for you. I've always had some health anxiety and general anxiety but the past year has been awful. Mine started with an infected tooth, which then caused me to have jaw problems ( purely by being so stressed and nothing to do with the tooth extraction) and on it goes, now stomach problems. I've had cbt and counselling and now paying privately, which I can ill afford. I've not taken any meds although I do have a prescription for them ..too scared! All I can say is that hopefully it will pass and that many people do get through it. It's really difficult to put the cbt into practise. I could get a PhD in it, but can't seem to do it for myself! Even the counsellor said they wished I was stupid cos it would be much easier for them! It's all to do with living with uncertainty, which I find very hard! Some say distraction works, others acceptance. I know this isn't of much help to you but just wanted you to know you are not alone. I wish you well x

04-01-14, 14:54
Thanks for reply Jillyb
I know what you mean about CBT both my therapists NHS and private said the same to me
This time last year I could not have told you what CBT was but now like you I could give a lecture on it,but I still cannot put it into practice
Lets hope we both get through it and can return to the real world.
Its certainly not been the the best Christmas I have ever had
Thank you for your support