View Full Version : panicking over stomach bug

04-01-14, 14:11
hi my daughter gas got stomach bug and her dad and I petried of getting it I keep bleaching toilet and every ware they have touched but im still panicking as when ive had it before and i had it quiet bad i felt as if i was going to passout and that's scares me incase i go like it again i keep thinking im feeling sick don't know if that's my anxiety or the start of the bug why cant i be like everyone else who gets ill and not panic over it can any one give me advice on how i can over come the fear of being ill thks

04-01-14, 14:59
I have this too, honestly never use to bother me, it's that time of the year and everyone seems to be getting sickness bugs :( you just have to tell yourself that it will be okay, there are a lot worse things that could be wrong, at least if other family members have it it's clear this is the cause and nothing serious! You have just got to keep drinking, the chances are you won't get ill... But if yu do it's not the end of the world :)

04-01-14, 16:22
I so know how you feel. I suffered fear of vomiting or emetophobia for YEARS! It started when I had a bug or food posioning (not sure since I was the only one that had it) when I was 36 weeks pregnant with my youngest. It was terrible! That was 6 years ago. For almost 6 years I lived in fear the next time I would get sick. Seriously, it was bad. I would wash my hands constantly, until they were raw. I'd wash my kids hands the point they were really dry, I bleached around my house ALL.THE.TIME. If we went out I was a wreck about my kids touching anything. This went on until this past September when my oldest son bought home a stomach virus from school. He was up during the night sick, I dealt with it even though I was freaking out. A few days later my youngest got it then 2 days following my husband and I both got it. While it was not my idea of a good time I realized it wasn't as bad as I had imagined all those years. Yea, I got sick, yes I felt crummy but it was over in a matter of hours and we all survived and moved on from it. Don't get me wrong, I'm still nervous about it invading my house again and definitely don't look forward to it but I'm not fearing it near as much as I use to. I since have relaxed on the hand washing (I still wash my hands often but not the point of them being red and raw) I clean like a normal person and don't stress while we are out in public. What I did when it started in my house back in September, I went out to the store and stocked up on supplies because I knew it was going to get us eventually when my first son got it. I stocked up on soup, crackers, sprite, gatorade, paper towels, bleach and lysol spray. It made me feel better knowing I was prepared. I really hope you do not catch her virus but just remember if you do, it'll be over quickly and you can move on from it. Just think once you get it, your immune for a while, that's good news! Praying for you!!!! :hugs: