View Full Version : marcus trescothick

14-11-06, 21:37
really angry today listening to the response to trescothicks withdrawal from the ashes due to a stress related illness...there really is no understanding or compassion in the wider public...so many callers and observers have called him weak some have gone further saying he was a coward..
all the best to the man but it says a great deal about the view of mental health in the public.

14-11-06, 21:42
Sometimes you really have to be there to understand. They're just lucky to not get it. Wouldn't we all just love to be that blissfully ignorant?!

15-11-06, 09:30
I'm with you on the Evenflow.

It may well take high profile sufferers to drive home the need for compassion and understanding. Lack of that is one of the biggest obstacles, the second being the shame of the situation we find ourselves.

I am trying to bring the words "mental" and "health" into conversations I have with folks about where I am at and was in the past. It's not easy but I'm getting there.

I wonder if he'll find his way here!!


Laissez les bon temp roulez

15-11-06, 09:34
Being a hairy arsed Jock from North of the Antonine Wall I know nothing about cricket but being an ex-footballer I admire the guys guts in going public. It's not the public per se that he'd have been concerned with, more the dressing room. It can be the best and worst of places. There's a thin line between banter and prejudice and it must have been very hard for him to admit to seeking help.

Good luck to the man, oh, and as 'a Sweaty' (as my late cockney father-in law referred to any Scots) I'd just like to say "Come on the Aussies!".

Happiness and light to you all,

I saw her once, one little while, and then no more:
’Twas Eden’s light on Earth a while, and then no more.
Amid the throng she passed along the meadow-floor:
Spring seemed to smile on Earth awhile, and then no more;
But whence she came, which way she went, what garb she wore
I noted not; I gazed a while, and then no more!

James Clarence Mangan 1803 - 1849

15-11-06, 11:50
I was listening to Talk Sport (phone in radio station) and most of the callers and DJs were dismissing his illness, almost claiming he was imagining his condition!!!

Can you remember when Frank Bruno had mental health problems? The media had a field day with him, eg., 'Bonkers Bruno' etc.

I admire anyone in the spotlight who has the guts to go public with a mental health issue.
