View Full Version : I've just had enough!

04-01-14, 17:17
I've just had enough, i don't know what to do, i have tried medication, i've tried CBT, i've tried meditating, i've tried hypnosis, i've tried breathing techniques and i just can not get shot of the anxiety, its been here 5 years now and it just will not go away, i ave absolutely no idea what else to do now. surely i have tried everything that is possible! i just wish there was a magic cure, its just constant fear, ice pick headaches, migraines, body zaps, blurred vision, hot and flushed face, tingling, i have even been tested for things like migraines and MS but nothing so it really is anxiety that i just can't get rid of!

04-01-14, 17:23
I'm really sorry you are struggling so much. I will keep you in my prayers!:hugs:

04-01-14, 18:29
Have u read any Claire weekes books! I have also been struggling for a number of years but I do have good times when I feel good. It come in waves.

I am currently trying to get out of a bad relapse which happened about 8 weeks ago.

Do u take medication?

04-01-14, 18:39
Like you I have tried loads of ways to rid me of this affliction with varying degrees of success.
I have just started the Charles Linden method, that might be worth investigating, it looks promising.

04-01-14, 18:46
Sometimes trying to get rid of it is the problem. We need to try to accept it and all it's symptoms, as something we are experiencing right now. But something that will pass with time.

Easier said than done though but it's something I am trying to accept at the moment. It does take the edge off it slightly if u can become less afraid, tired and sick of it

05-01-14, 00:11
I feel the same way I strugle with my ha and its hard but your not alone !!!! This is what i use when it gets really bad it's been so helpfull check it out give a try
