View Full Version : Anxiety and chronic joint pain (wrists/hand etc)

04-01-14, 17:40
Chronic pain.
Hi all.

I was wondering if anybody knows for certain if anxiety/panic attacks and also depression can cause joint and muscle pain. I have been suffering from pains and weakness in my hands and wrists; these periods come during times of high stress and can last several weeks. The pain will come on usually when I am anxious or upset (which is probably always, at least on a sub-conscious level) and seem to intensify the more I concentrate on them, a bit like a psychosomatic illness.

It gets so bad that my hands will hurt like hell when lifting objects as light as a pillow. It can prevent me from using a computer or anything else that requires the use of my hands.

I suffered from an anxiety/depression period last year of at least two months where I was unable to do anything with my hands without significant pain. I was having shooting pains up the arms and a feeling of electric shocks down the shoulder to the arm.

During this time, I consulted a doctor and had X-Rays and they found no conclusive evidence for the cause of the pain. One would think it was a real physical cause such as tendonitis, but the pain seems to follow no such pattern and just vanished almost overnight, as quickly as it started. It also does not respond to protective measures such as correct posture, taking breaks from computer etc.

Is anybody here suffering from similar issues and do you think it is likely anxiety and depression is behind it? I would be most interested to know any thoughts.

Thanks for reading.

04-01-14, 20:42
Hi lostinthought, I've been getting sharp pains all over my body, my ribs are especially sore and can be painful. So much so that on Xmas day my Boyf took me to A&E to get checked out. I have severe anxiety at the moment, and on new anti depressant medication which is prob why I am so anxious aswell, as having bad side effects from this. It feels like other parts of my body/bones hurt. My anxiety is the worst it's ever been. I've also been getting sharp shooting pains, I think this is our bodies saying they're having enough of this stupid anxiety!

29-07-15, 10:41
I can relate..... In awful pain in wrists legs arms and jaw it's worse in morning

29-07-15, 10:49
Yes.. since onset of anxiety my muscles are very tense..Moves from muscle to muscle but mostly affected in shoulders ,neck area.

29-07-15, 11:00
Hi libra I just did a post on here could you read it ��