View Full Version : Still panicking

04-01-14, 21:15
Does anyone know if you can take paracetamol with lorazapam? I'm still having a very hard time with my head! :( don't seem to be getting any better, I'm still thinking brain aneurism :( xxx

04-01-14, 22:13
No problem is noted for taking paracetamol with lorazepam.

Have you talked to a GP about your headaches yet? Your symptoms don't sound much like an aneurysm, but if they're migraines or sinus issues a GP might be able to help you be more comfortable.

04-01-14, 22:46
Thanks :) it's just making me so down all the time again thank u xxx

---------- Post added at 22:46 ---------- Previous post was at 22:28 ----------

And I spoke to the doctor on Thursday who said I didn't sound like I had any head problems but these weird shooting pains and pressure pains on the site of the bump are reali freaking me out put that with the blurry eye n I'm a complete mess :( sorry to keep on with the posts just helps to talk about it x

05-01-14, 01:52
You must've really banged your head hard! It's probably just taking some time to heal. I hope you feel better soon!!! I'll keep you in my prayers! :hugs: