View Full Version : Feel Like Crying - Hate this - too tired to deal with it

Female healthanxiety
04-01-14, 22:32
Cannot believe this and I feel like something is wrong with me this time :-(

Went back to work Thursday.

Wednesday night - could not sleep, had 5 hours sleep, due to my Christmas break going asleep at late times, drinking, family etc.

Thursday in the day - had a dizzy spell at work and felt like things were moving when I wasn't. Even when I stopped in traffic I felt like my car was still moving and others around me were. Not sure if there's any connection but had a feeling that a spider was crawling in my throat and was convinced I was going to have a heart attack/stroke because of this: had some water and it stopped moving about but still have the feeling there in my throat.

Friday was at work again and the dizziness continued alongside the feeling in my throat. And felt sooooo tired, a lot of people have commented that my eyes look really dark and I look like I've been crying, but I haven't.

Feeling so tired and physically unable to do anything, due to my tiredness and my feelings.

Today went to a friends and that feeling came back again in my throat but have never had it so bad; my friend got me some water.

I almost feel drunk.

Please somebody help me xxxxxx

---------- Post added at 22:32 ---------- Previous post was at 21:34 ----------


04-01-14, 23:11
I think you should try and get a good nights sleep maybe that's what's causing it? I get the dizziness if I haven't sleep well xxx

04-01-14, 23:31
I agree with Laura. Sometimes a good nights sleep is all you need :)

Female healthanxiety
04-01-14, 23:34
Thank you Laura and Jen xxxx

Well had 10 hours sleep last night :-( xxxx

04-01-14, 23:37
Your body still needs more time to recuperate.
Try to get some sleep and relax the next few days. Thinking about it also creates those kinds of symptoms.

I believe you are fine! Xx