View Full Version : like a revolving door with no end in sight

05-01-14, 02:53
im typing this whilst at rock bottom I suffered from gad for 6 years for the last 3 years I have been battling depression and severe health anxiety im at the stage now where I sit for most of the day in a panic dreading the heart attack that never comes glued with fear to the couch wondering if the acid reflux and chest pain and feeling bloated and full is the heart attack that never comes then the wave of emense fear of the heart attack that never comes , I have typed that to show my way of thinking and that I realise is ridiculous but the fear im experiencing with irrational thoughts is so overwhelming it has consumed my life , health anxiety is a horrific little add on to anx, I found before ha and depression I had some normality now normality is do I look ok hows my pulse I cant breathe I feel sick whats that pain whats that bump im dying ambulance quick quick , I marvel at the human body but the one thing we have to protect our bodys our nervous system is the thing that is making me feel so unwell coupled with our minds its the torture of the damned , I always get selfish when like this cos I believe im the only sufferer which I bet many can relate to , I have found myself reading posts with the same symptoms as mine then thinking cant be as bad as mine (very selfish) I know, but then I realise as I read back I have suffered for years with this so its not my stupid heart its ha but at that precise moment whilst consumed with fear its you and only you and no one knows , I hope this rant makes a few laugh or helps and ty if u take the time to read it

05-01-14, 03:41
Oh, iain, you are having a rough night, aren't you? I'm so sorry.

Are you getting any help or treatment? I know it can take a few tries to get the right fit, and when you're low it can feel impossible, but I think it's worth persevering. People can have nights like this and go on to something better, I promise.

05-01-14, 04:08
I am so sorry you are struggling so much. Have you spoke with your Dr. about your feelings and symptoms? I will keep you in my prayers! :hugs: