View Full Version : why have i had a headache for a week? setting off alarm bells again :(

05-01-14, 03:25
I almost never get headaches.
But last week i was just sitting watching tv and i sneezed really hard and i felt this shooting pain on the right side of my head.
I thought that was very weird but just ignored it thinking it would be gone by the next day.

Well it hasn't. It's still here and gets worse when straining, coughing, bending down etc. And it's spread to the other side now too.

I am so worried about having a tumor or brain aneurysm now :(

Apparently pain when straining or exercising is serious.
Im going to the out of hours tomorrow.
Im just upset because i was making progress. And now i have a new painful symptom. I always think everything is getting better then something pulls the rug from under me again.

My family has a history of brain aneurysms. My grandad died young from one. This is why im afraid because that story still gets told by my family because the never got over the shock of losing him so young with no symptoms and he died a very long drawn out painful death.

I think my gp might arrange an mri because she sounded concerned and there's no radiation involved but to be honest if something abnormal shows up i don't think i will be able to handle it because it will terrify me.
Has anyone experienced a similar pain? I just wish it was nothing.

05-01-14, 03:59
Please try not to freak out. I had the same exact symptoms like 2 weeks ago. A headache that came on and stayed for almost 2 weeks. Also worse when bending over and laying down. After the 2 weeks I had a really bad cold and it relieved it. I went to the doc and she said my stress was making it worse. Brain tumors usually have other symptoms like vision or cognitive problems.

05-01-14, 23:20
Thank you im just a little scared right now. It feels like there's loads of pressure squeezing my brain or something. I'm going to go to the doctor tomorrow.

I really hope it's just my wisdom teeth or sinuses.
Thanks again Xxx