View Full Version : Hi everyone- still have dementia worries

05-01-14, 10:06
Hope you all well. I'm still not there but getting there. Doctors have been great and I had a good meeting with work on Friday.

When I woke up due to reading something about dementia (I was not googling) and having had bad anxiety lately I started stupidly started testing myself with words and connecting things. I said symptoms then diagnostic then knew another word but just couldn't think of it for a few minutes and was convinced it started with s. Suddenly it came out as prognosis. Why did it take so long. I have been worrying about dementia for a while and doctors keep saying it's anxiety as most know but although I'm in a much better place I would like a bit of reassurance if it's normal.

05-01-14, 11:33
Hi Sean

Really glad to hear you are doing well, in fact you can tell just from the tone of your post.

So.......you've been to the GP and they are utterly convinced it is anxiety? What more reassurance do you need? They are waaaaaay more qualified than any of us on this forum.

Stay focused on your true illness (anxiety) sounds like you are making fab progress.

Good luck mate - have been rooting for you!

05-01-14, 12:16
Hello Sean,

Glad to hear that you are ok, have been thinking of you.

You do seem to be in a much better place than a week ago, and not nearly so scared. I'm pleased to hear the doctors have been a help to you, that can make such a difference.

I can understand that you still have dementia worries, our fears about an illness don't just disappear - it can take a while to really get over them.

Just keep saying to yourself that the doctors are sure it's anxiety and nothing more. Try not to lose focus of that fact, although I know how hard it is!

Well done for making some progress, and for staying offline if that has helped you :)

05-01-14, 19:40
Thanks you two. Was a bit of a slip up asking for reassurance but I'm in a much better place. Like you said, it's doesn't happen over night but a little part of logic in my brain is coming back. I've still got my life there for me and a couple of weeks ago I did not think that would be the case. I may not be on here as much at the moment but appreciate all of you.

05-01-14, 19:55
Very glad to hear that Sean.

You sound so much better, if you don't mind me asking, what have you been doing to get to this better place?

Whatever it is, I want some! :D

05-01-14, 20:22
Hey Sean, well make sure you stay in touch. I want to hear your success story in due course.

You have it all to fight for and sounds to me like you are well on your way.

So chuffed for you. That and Palace seem to be staging a mini revival!

05-01-14, 21:11
Ha, Palace aren't doing too bad.

The main thing for me has been getting out no matter how hard I find it. I have been jogging and sounds stupid but booked a hotel for a few nights to take my mind of things. I have stayed clear of online CBT as advised by doctor and stayed clear of internet. I have set backs but try to keep telling myself it's just anxiety. I was lying in bed with wife and I went to say something as we need to cover up wall and I couldn't think of word replacement and had to google. I know the word lol but I keep telling myself it's just that my brain has been working hard and I have been told it's not dementia so that's that. But it's still hard that's no lie. If I didn't have the anxiety by brim wouldn't have even tried thinking I need to find another word so would not be in that predicament.