View Full Version : Telepathic Dreams - Fearing for My Brother

05-01-14, 12:26
Some of you may or not believe me but I was given this strange gift where I can sense things or predict certain events.

Normally if I have a dream about a close family member, I would wake up with a missed call or a few days later, they'll call me.

This will sound horrible and it is, I've been deeply traumatized by this ever since it occurred in my dream.

I dreamed that a girl hung herself in 1 of her school toilet cubicles.
A few months later, I researched the event, not being able to forget this horrible tragedy and BOOM! Several articles appeared! I was shocked!

Before reports were made about the UK solar storm, I was having dreams about seeing planets in the sky and it creeped me out. This went on for about 2 or 3 years and then I found out on the UK & Ireland Yahoo page that there'll be a solar storm in the UK.

Anyway, last night, I dreamed that my brother hung himself on a bridge. I was really upset, I couldn't stop crying, I love my family very much, especially my siblings.
I called him to make sure he was alright, he was okay and at work but I'm still freaking out and worried he'll kill himself. :(

He once told me he tried to hurt himself twice before, I really don't want to lose him!
Now I'm having panic attacks about it.

Daisy Sue
05-01-14, 14:55
Try to rationalise it.. you can google virtually any scenario and the odds are it will have happened to someone, somewhere.

I also have had lots of telepathic and deja vu experiences over the years.. and very vivid dreams - some of which resemble the truth, and most of which never happen.

The one you've had about your brother, I would say, is simply a verification of how much you love him and that you worry about him - it doesn't mean something bad is going to happen at all.

If you look into the meaning of dreams, you'll see that this kind of worrysome dream over someone we love, is very common.

06-01-14, 09:05
If you look rationally at your dreams and the events you describe they bear no relation to one other at all. A dream about planets (why the planets and not the sun?) for years before a solar storm means nothing at all given that astronomers will tell you there are events happening all over the universe all the time including solar flares which are not rare events at all. The only time we hear about them is when they are particularly large. Also, as Daisy Sue says, just about any scenario you can dream up (or dream of), such as the girl killing herself at school will have happened at some point, to someone, somewhere in the world, it doesn't mean you have second sight, it's all to do with statistical probability.