View Full Version : New here, with relationship anxiety

05-01-14, 16:51
Hello. Nice to meet you all. I wanted to post because I have anxiety that seems to get worse all the time. It varies too. Sometimes it's about my health, or something else. Right now it is because of my relationship. It's a good relationship. Tomorrow actually marks our one year anniversary of dating. However, yesterday evening we didn't so much have an argument as minor disagreement. I was at his home and wanted to go out for a bit. He said it was too cold so I said I'd just head home. He said, Okay. Can I get a hug? I was annoyed so I said no and I walked out. Sounds like nothing much, right? But now I've spent all night and morning being anxious he's never going to want to speak to me again after that. We've never actually had an argument before. Last night was the first time we've had any real unpleasantness between us and I'm feeling worried we're broken up. I'm frozen in fear, too afraid to contact him. What is wrong with me? I feel like a child who doesn't know how an adult relationship should be. Am I the only one who does this type of worrying? It's like I'm convinced if I make one mistake, a person who loves me will all of a sudden stop loving me. Like I have to be perfect. Help me!!!!!

05-01-14, 17:57
Hi and welcome to the forum, it cant any worse than it is in your mind right now and your worried he will only confirm them if you make contact. If its only a little tiff just a little text to break the ice and hopefully he will do the same. Best wishes

05-01-14, 22:18
Hello to be honest I know exactly how you feel I get paranoid over my relationship sometimes and its horrible all the things that go through your head but in my situation its a 2 way thing am not the only one my fiancé feels like that sometimes to I don't know if I would call it anxiety but I definitely get paranoid I have been with my boyfriend for 3 years and were engaged we have had our ups and down but we always come out fighting, but when people are like oh just forget it, its easier said than done and that's what people don't understand my boyfriend has flirted with 5 girls and I am still with him some girls would be like forget you if you keep flirting its over but if you love someone with all your heart and wouldn't know what to do without them then it just makes it harder to walk away here if you need anything just private message me if need be xx