View Full Version : What a great start to the day - Armpit Question!

15-11-06, 07:31

I was just washing my armpits when I felt something, which I thought was a lump in the left armpit....!

I have started to panic (high anxiety).

I have been feeling my armpit since, and can not actually feel a lump but I can feel something, which I'm guessing is somekind of lump.

Is it possible that I could be feeling my body parts (ie. veins, mussles, glands or something, which is part of your body).

Can anybody else feel anything in their armpits?

I have not asked wife yet as she will go mad with me again.


15-11-06, 08:08
Hi, you have all sorts of gland under your armpits. If you have had a cold etc recently it could be one of those. I can feel lumps inside my neck all the time they are just glands. Also it colud be a spot, one of your hair folicles could be blocked and that can cause a little swelling too.

Take care

'This too will pass'

15-11-06, 12:21
Hi Red,

Try not to worry i get these all the time,i actually have one now also. Daisybun is right what she says its probably a little spot that grows from hair folicles, i have been to see the GP a couple of times about them, but they have gone on there own. if your worried get it checked at the gps im sure its nothing to worry about though.



15-11-06, 12:39

If i stretch my arm out i can not feel it, feels smooth.
If i don't stretch out my arm and move my finger horizontal then i think i can feel somethig (anxiety).
If i move my finger verticle then i can not feel it.

This might sound daft but could it be my skin which i'm feeling.

I have looked in the mirror and felt the service and no lump is present.

Anxiety, wish a was normal, people would carry on with the lifes as nothing was wrong.


15-11-06, 12:49
hi red
my hubby had a lump in his armpit a few weeks ago,he was really laid back about it but me being me, pestered him to go to the docs!!!
it turned out to a blocked sweat gland.
also like daisybun said if you have had a cold or something lately it could be that you,re glands are just slightly raised.
if you are still worried just go and get some reassurance from your doctor.
i know what you mean about not wanting to ask you wife,my hubby is getting a bit cheesed off with me at the mo i think,so know where you coming from!!!!
take care
rach x

15-11-06, 12:51
hi red, i have a lump like that under both my arms-it is part of muscle/ligaments i think-when i first felt this i thought i had a massive lump under my arms my thoughts swiftly turned to hodgkins disease-but has that was a year ago and it still remains the same i have concluded its a muscle type of thing!

15-11-06, 15:33
Hi Red,

don't you just hate it when you find something new. I am so desperate to tell hubby but feel sick at the thought, cause i know he'll loose it. All this just adds to your anxiety.
I do find lumps and bumps in my armpits, press them till they are sore and then worry more. Most of the time its ligaments or pimples etc. And if your like me you are problably prodding far too hard.

anx x

Laughter is a tranquilizer with no side effects

02-12-06, 09:04
Hi all,

I'm still in an anxious state worrying about my armpit.

Sometimes I can feel this lump thing and I worry, sometimes I can not feel it and other times I think it's my muscles, skin or something simular under our armpits.

I have asked my wife to feel several times and she says it's nothing but my brain will not accept it.

I'm working close with my doctor and I have to see him in January for checkup and not before (trying to stop reassurance).

Can anybody help me, I know this is might sound daft but my anxiety levels are high (also got sore throat sensation back).


02-12-06, 10:23
hi red, i had the same worry about my neck a while ago, i thought i felt something and i prodded and poked it constantly and got in a right state about it. i went to the doctors and guess what, it was my normal ligaments i was feeling (i'd wasted about 2 weeks picturing myself on my death bed by the time i found that out).

If i prod at my armpits (ive done that now, just for you!) i can feel the same sort of ligamenty stuff, it sounds to me like that is all you're feeling. you also have glands under your armpits and sometimes they get bigger and so you might feel it is more prominent than usual.

You said that you are trying to stop asking for reassurance from your doctor, but do you think that maybe asking for reassurance on here or from your wife is also not helping you in the long run? Please do not take that as a criticism, as i am working on the same thing and i know it is sooooo hard to resist, but it might be worth bearing in mind that this is just another way of asking for reassurance (my cbt has warned me about the health anxiety being a bit devious in this way).

Are you getting any help for your health anxiety - are you on meds, or doing cbt?

i hope you are feeling a bit happier now.


02-12-06, 11:30

Thank you for your reply and your correct in what you say about me still looking for reassurance (I never thought of it that way). It is very hard to control but I guess not running to the doctor is a good start for me.

I’m currently waiting for my CBT assessment, which is taking longer than I expected. I received a letter last week explaining that she is nearly ready to see me and to phone up her secretary to confirm that I still need help.

My doctor has put me on 50mg of amitriptyline, which I must admit has stopped me pacing up and down the house and getting rather upset at times.


13-12-06, 08:08
Hi all,

Could anybody tell me if they can feel lumps (musles etc) under one of their armpits please as I'm finding it hard at the moment with my anxiety to accept it as I'm worrying it's a lump etc.


13-12-06, 08:10
<b id="quote">quote:</b id="quote"><table border="0" id="quote"><tr id="quote"><td class="quote" id="quote">Hi all,

Could anybody tell me if they can feel lumps (musles etc) under one of their armpits please as I'm finding it hard at the moment with my anxiety to accept it as I'm worrying it's a lump etc.


<div align="right">Originally posted by reddevil - 13 December 2006 : 08:08:28</div id="right">
</td id="quote"></tr id="quote"></table id="quote">


“Anyone can give up, it's the easiest thing in the world to do. But to hold it together when everyone else would understand if you fell apart, that's true strength.”


13-12-06, 09:21
hi red

i had exactly the same problem this week - i posted about it here

soooooooooooo pissed off today (http://www.nomorepanic.co.uk/showthread.php?t=15419)

well, my lump has gone now, but having said that, neither of my armpits feel completely smooth, i can feel what i think are tendons and stuff under the skin. I really dont think you have anything to worry about.


13-12-06, 10:12

I think if this is really stressing you out as it appears to be then you should go and see a doctor for reassurance. If you wait until January you and your family are going to have a dreadful Christmas.


17-12-06, 14:55
<b id="quote">quote:</b id="quote"><table border="0" id="quote"><tr id="quote"><td class="quote" id="quote">hi red

i had exactly the same problem this week - i posted about it here

soooooooooooo pissed off today (http://www.nomorepanic.co.uk/showthread.php?t=15419)

well, my lump has gone now, but having said that, neither of my armpits feel completely smooth, i can feel what i think are tendons and stuff under the skin. I really dont think you have anything to worry about.


<div align="right">Originally posted by strawberrie - 13 December 2006 : 09:21:44</div id="right">
</td id="quote"></tr id="quote"></table id="quote">


May be it is tendons and stuff but of late, my left arm/hand has slight tingle sensations, most properly because I'm concentrating on it and I watched a programme the other night on tumors and how they cause pins and needles.
