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16-07-04, 18:14
Today was my first day back at work after a week off sick. I only started 5th July then was signed off sick for a week after two days there with panic/anxiety. I think the tablets must be working. Felt a bit wobbly for the first hour then I was fine. I really like it there and have felt quite normal today. The people are lovely and have been very supportive. I've gained my confidence back and I think I will be able to do well at this job. I know it's early days but I'm very positive today.[Yeah!]

Emma xx

16-07-04, 19:20
Hiya Emma

Great news eh?

Im so glad that you did so well today. As you know Ive just started temporary work after not working for 18 months so I totally know how you feel. My first day I was terrible, ..constant waves of feeling panic/faint etc and after that, the next 2 days were fab so keep at it mate and it will be second nature in no time!!!

love Sarah

we arent mad, just the next stage of evolution :)

16-07-04, 20:16
Congratulations Emma! So pleased to hear it all went well after your absence, and I'm sure Sarah's right - you'll be totally in the swing of things in no time :)

As you know, I've just finished my second week, and now I'm getting to grips with the systems I'm feeling more confident, and actually enjoying having something to do other than counting the days until my next visit to the job centre. I'm actually feeling quite proud of myself, because yesterday my boss told me that the patients had all been singing my praises, and today I pleasantly surprised him by having caught up on a lot of the backlog (caused by the previous lady) off my own back :)

I'm really glad we're all in this 'together', even if only at the end of a computer screen. It makes it more comforting somehow :)

~* Do what you want. Nobody else will do it for you *~

16-07-04, 20:33
Hi Emma

Well done!! You have done really well getting back just after a week but i know how determined you were.

You should be proud of yourself and the fact that you actually felt ok, that is definately as step in the right direction.

Starting a new job is nerve racking for anyone, let alone when you suffer from panic attacks.

Best of luck and i hope you keep feeling ok and enjoying.

Love Sal xxxxx[:P]

16-07-04, 23:25
Well Done Emma,

I know its been so hard for you whilst ssttling on your meds . Glad to hear you're feeling better and coped so very well.]


Anxiety is a thin stream of fear trickling through the mind.
If encouraged, it cuts a channel into which all other thoughts are drained.
Robert Albert Bloch

17-07-04, 12:56
wow emma well done :D

im really happy 4 u that u had a brill day at work, good job

Scooter Girl

if i wa hungry would u feed me, if i fell u you help me up, if i was crying would brush away my tears

17-07-04, 14:55

Great news - glad that you managed to get back out there.

It is hard to do that when you get a setback and think that you never will.

So onwards and upwards ok?

Well done



17-07-04, 18:38
Hi Emma

Congratulations on settling back into your job. You are very brave and you have done just great - good for you girl. Hopefully things will start to get a bit easier now :D

Leah - well done to you as well, dead chuffed for you - 2 weeks now hey?

Love Jo xx

18-07-04, 16:29
Well done Emma. Glad things are settling down for you,
love Tess xx

26-07-04, 18:15
I've been unable to hang on to my last three jobs, after a couple of the days the anxiety is too much to bear and I end up leaving. I'd be interested to hearing what medication you were presrcibed and a bit more of your story.


27-07-04, 18:06
Hi Pbryd

Sorry to hear it's not been going well for you on the job side. I'm only just getting there but it's taken a while.

I've been taking Paroxetine. I've been on them a few weeks now and feeling a lot better. The tablets can make you feel worse initially which is why I had the time off, but I'm feeling more or less back to normal now. I felt terrible the first few days. Mine has all been brought on by stress, my wedding (this Saturday!), exams, redundancy, job hunting and starting a new job all at once. I've had panic/anxiety depression before so caught the signs early and got myself off to the doctors.

Are you or have you taken any medication? I find they are helpful but so long as you know what the underlying cause is. My doctor has said to take them until after the wedding then gradually come off them. I know that I should be ok by then because all the stress will be out of the way.

Hope I am of some help to you.

Take Care

Emma xx

27-07-04, 18:21
Hi Emma,

It's a help to know i'm not the only one who has trouble with a new job. You would think once you find yourself a new job then your troubles would be over but it's not automatically the case lol

My topic is over at..

New Job Stress (http://www.nomorepanic.co.uk/showthread.php?t=1472)

Thanks for taking the time to answer my question and goodluck for saturday

wishing you well


27-07-04, 21:14
Hi Emma

Pleased to hear you are feeling a lot better.

Just a quick post to wish you the best of luck for Saturday. I hope its the happiest day of your life and you really enjoy it.

Will be thinking of you. Let us know how it goes.


Lots of love Sal xxxxx[:P][Yeah!]