View Full Version : Another symptom...another battle. Please get in contact

06-01-14, 02:19
Hi everyone

So glad I have this site to come to when I'm feeling like this in the small hours of the morning.

In the last three weeks I've developed a really upsetting symptom that's causing me quite a lot of discomfort not to mention the anxiety that goes a long with it.

Basically i feel like me entire body is being pricked with pins. My skin feels prickly and can get itchy too. But there are no signs of a rash. It's not there all the times but certainly seems to get worse after a shower, if I'm too hot or getting ready to go out somewhere. I also have it now lying in bed.

Over the last few months I've had a few other symptoms including digestive problems and getting extremely stressed by loud noise. For that last one the doctor put me on 10mg citalopram but I decided to come off it after 8 weeks as I felt it might be causing this prickly feeling. But it hasn't disappeared and I'm wondering instead of coming off the citalopram if I should have increased the dosage to 20mg instead

Can anyone relate to this? Is it an anxiety symptom?

Thank you very much

06-01-14, 15:00
Have you been using new soap or body spray ? or could you maybe have got new clothes? it could be an allergic reaction or something, it may even be a heat rash although you said you didn't have a rash.

10-01-14, 14:22
I can totally relate. When I was on a drug called Abilify I had these weird like restless feelings and could not sit still. I've also had the feeling of my skin burning, I think that was when I was on Paxil. Most likely the sensations are either a side effect /interaction of a med or your anxiety playing itself out using your body to make things appear. I can't tell you how many different physical symptoms I've had with anxiety, it's mind boggling.

28-01-14, 17:09
Can be the medication and Will need time to Go away!

28-01-14, 17:48
I've had this as a result of anxiety, very annoying symptom! You may also just be hyperaware of sensations on your body, which is a normal result of anxiety, which will increase the amount you feel these things.

When it comes to the medication - there isn't really a right or wrong here. Your decision to be on or off it is your decision. I wouldn't go without anything, though, if you're suffering from anxiety. It doesn't just go away by itself, you'll need some kind of therapeutic help to get over it, but that doesn't necessarily mean medication. Have you been referred for therapy?

06-02-14, 02:53
I would get an itchy heat rash and get the pin pricking feeling too. Also noise sensitivity was one of my main symptoms along with a whole host of other things. Have you considered candida as the cause? http://drhyman.com/blog/2010/07/23/is-hidden-fungus-making-you-ill/