View Full Version : Digestive problems and cancer fears

06-01-14, 03:32
New guy here with a question similar to many I've seen, but looking for the groups thoughts. It's another colon cancer scare/worry.

I'm 53 year old male with history of health anxiety, but not what I would call chronic. Suffered panic attacks while in graduate school and still suffer general anxiety with some depression and S.A.D. I'm generally very healthy; vegetarian since age 14, exercise 5 days a week, good diet, no smoking, moderate alcohol intake, and weight is normal. I probably go to the doctor once every 18 months. My HA kicks in anytime something goes wrong - last time left hand had numbness for days, checked Dr. google, convinced myself it was MS and started feeling numbness in all the extremities, anxiety kicked in, etc. Fast forward 3 weeks, went to the doctor and told I had an inflamed ulnar nerve in my elbow.

That was two years ago, all was good until October when I started a new project that had flying across the US (Boston to SF) every week for 6 weeks. Very stressful project, no time to exercise, eating and drinking too much. You probably know where this all leads - found myself going to the bathroom 4 - 5 times a day, diarrhea, loose stools, and cramps. No blood, no weight loss, no fatigue, but 10 weeks later, project is over and I'm still not better. Same bathroom habits, cramps, diarrhea. I've had similar symptoms in the past, under similar situations, but nothing that has lasted this long - usually only a week or two.

I've convinced myself that I have colon cancer, even though mother and sister have IBS, not much cancer in family besides an uncle who died of bladder cancer when he was almost 80 - heavy smoker and drinker, but genes still matter. I'm so anxious all the time, can't sleep, and can't stopped thinking about having cancer. I think it's my age that worries me the most since that is around the time colon cancer appears.

Finally got a doctors appointment this week, but worried what they will find.

Any thoughts or advice?


06-01-14, 16:10
Hi Graton, and welcome to the board.

At 53 you are still pretty young for colon cancer. Added to your rather admirable lifestyle, the odds are very much in your favour.

I have more colon cancer symptoms than you - including the "too frequent" thing - but I still don't think I have it.

I'd put money on your issues being caused by stress, IBS or something similar.

06-01-14, 18:11
You know what I have learned over the past few years - is how much "stress" affects our bodies! Even though your project ended I bet it takes a while to get back to "normal"....I agree with Katesa, I have more symptoms that you do and I don't have it!! My job is extremely high stress and believe me - I have many of the same thougts that you have had. I tell you what - I am going to the Dr's at the end of this month for my normal yearly checkup and I am going to ask about some medication.....there has to be something out there that will help me with anxiety. Let us know how it goes for you!!

06-01-14, 19:07
Thanks for feedback Barbn and Katesa. Went to the GI today, but nothing conclusive - ordered blood tests, stool, and a colonoscopy in six weeks. He wasn't worried much about it being colon cancer, but hopefully the blood and stool tests will provide some more timely results.

thanks again.

06-01-14, 19:14
Hi Graton, I'm slightly older than you and recently went to my doctor convinvced I had colon cancer. My guts had been rough for a couple of months before I went to the doctor, so your problems are rather short-lived compared with mine! Anyway, my tests came back okay and I have IBS and stress to thank for my problem. It sounds like you have a similar issues. Please try not to make the mistake I did, which was the go to Google and then think the worse. There are so many causes of digestive problems, including stress and anxiety, which can feed the symptoms and make them worse. I'm glad you've seen your doctor and hope you soon get the reaasurance you need. Best wishes.

17-01-14, 21:54
Got my blood work today and everything is perfectly normal, but nothing back yet from stool tests - those will be in next week. I should feel better, but since I only talked to the receptionist and not the doctor, I'm wondering if "all normal" should do anything to dampen my fears of cancer. Thoughts?