View Full Version : My Health Anxiety

06-01-14, 03:33
Hi guys, signed up because I'm really concerned about my own well being really.

It started around 3 or so years ago. My sister got married and I was about to go to uni. The combination of that huge change in my life and the thought that I wouldn't live to see my own marriage triggered really bad HA in me mostly manifesting in Globus sensation (to the point where I couldn't sleep). I went off to uni and everything was fine.

I've had another big life change; becoming a teacher and one day I went up to my friend's up North. I was waiting in the car park for him and suddenly I felt like I was going to die. Can't describe it any other way. I eventually realised I was just having a panic attack, but nothing had triggered it. It all was fine for a bit then I've been off work. I was admiring how much weight I'd lost in the mirror when I found a mark on my left side that looked like an angry mole. Since that point I've been out of my head. I've tried self-diagnosing and the best I can come up with is that it's a cyst but there's still an element of worry.

Since that point I've been really bad. Constantly checking over myself, chest pains, but the most prominent thing for me is my side/stomach.

I can't describe it as anything other than a discomfort on the right side of my body. It doesn't hurt or ache, it's just not comfortable. It's worst when I'm lying down. However, it isn't always noticeable (I had a strained side muscle and I didn't notice it due to the other pain.)

Along with it, there feels like a solid mass under my rib cage on the right side that isn't on my left. I'm aware that my liver is on that side. Symptoms wise, I had blood in my stool once (which I think was down to something else because it never happened again) and I've lost a stone but that's explainable (taken up sport, on my feet all day with teaching). But I still worry about my weight. It's like I've started eating more to prove that the weight loss isn't down to illness even though I want to lose it!

I had the side checked out a couple of months ago and it wasn't a problem, but now since being off work it's come back worse than ever and tonight I had one of the worst panic attacks I've had (and I can usually control them). I'm a big football fan and I felt panicky in the stadium for the first time and I've started to get a tingly right arm.

A potential trigger could be that my mum was severely ill in 2011 with breast cancer and my sub-conscious has taken a battering. It's getting to a point where I can't control it and it's driving me mad. My anxiety isn't that I always think something is wrong with me, but that I get constant anxiety symptoms.

I have a doctor's appointment tomorrow so I'll say all this to him as well.

Oh and just remembered, both my mum and sister have IBS!

I guess I just wanted to get this off my chest and write it all down. If there's any people who are in my situation or have experienced similar symptoms, please tell me.


06-01-14, 04:00
Hello :)
first congratulate yourself for realising it is HA that is causing this and not anything else. I get similar symptoms i get the tingling numbness and presently a discomfort around my right rib. i was told this was simply digestive troubkes caused by anxiety.I thinj the fact the pain went away when you were thinking about other things says it is anxiety to me. anxiety causes all sorts of aches and pains.Just try and relax and know youre not alone also seeing doc is great for reassurance x

06-01-14, 04:04
Thanks for the reply! :-)

I know that it's HA in the whole but there's a nagging doubt that I could be ill. My actual anxiety stems from the realisation of own own mortality rather than thinking that I'm seriously ill. It's a vicious circle really. I'll have a chest pain from anxiety that maybe is unrelated, which makes me think I could drop dead, which makes it worse and it goes on.

For example, I don't think headaches are down to a brain tumour etc. The only one that gets me is my side, but I was checked out and had clean bloods around 2 months ago so we'll see tomorrow!

06-01-14, 04:06
Yeah i get ra ndom pain/discomfort out of nowhere hope alll hgies well at docs as im sure it will x

06-01-14, 14:19
I've had right sided pain for about 6 months. Like you say, pain is the wrong word. Its a discomfort. Like a pinching or pulling sensation in my ribs. Only on my right side and only in my ribs. No idea why or what is causing it, just wanted you to know you're not alone in your symptoms.

06-01-14, 15:31
That is exactly what I have hangingbasket! x

06-01-14, 16:23
Really? Do you know what is causing it? Just anxiety and tension right? How long have you had it?

06-01-14, 16:31
Had it quite a while. Doc said either muscle tension from anxiety or tension from digestion because anxiety can muck that up aswell x

06-01-14, 17:20
Thanks!! I'm happy with either of those. Neither are life threatening :)

06-01-14, 18:37
Just read this after posting just now. Seems just like my rib symptoms!

06-01-14, 20:51
Hi guys,

Been to the doctors. He said there's nothing wrong with me both medically or psychologically.

Just my mind playing tricks on me per usual.

06-01-14, 23:35
Oh Im really glad for you HAnoway! Now its just a case of getting that anxiety under control x

06-01-14, 23:38
Told you hehe :) Thats really great news! Wish you all the best in overcoming your anxiety x

07-01-14, 00:07
I'll still be around. I'd like to able to help others :-)

07-01-14, 00:14
Thats great :) I often find myself in need of help hehe x