View Full Version : Brain aneurysm fears, just back from hospital

06-01-14, 05:59
I started getting this occasional visual disturbance a few days ago; a black spot at the lower left of my left eye. Today I noticed it was happening if I moved my head or beared down. So I went to hospital, and they said they couldn't see anything wrong, but they didn't have the equipment to be sure so to go to the eye and ear hospital in a few days if it didn't go away. The stupid thing is, they asked if I'd had a headache and I said no, but I didn't tell them I'd been having head pressure. I've had head pressure before and there didn't seem to be anything wrong with my brain, but I'm still terrified I have an aneurysm that's pressing on stuff. To top it all off, I've been nauseous and vomiting the last few days (which is hopefully just due to my autonomic dysfunction).


06-01-14, 06:32
Hi i also have autonomic dysfunction and for the past week have been dealing with a headache, stabbing pains all over my head, and a pressure feeling like my head is about to explode.

I am also terrified of a brain aneurysm.
I just want you to know you are not alone.
If it was something serious you would have serious signs like being unable to move your limbs on one side and an extreme headache, not just pressure.

One more thing - I've noticed with AD - we tend to get headrushes and pressure feelings very easily caused by the blood quickly going from our brains to our feet. Our heart doesn't send enough blood up to our brains and it can make you feel super woozy. Right now my head feels like it's being squeezed in a vice. It gives that whooshy feeling.
It also is the cause of our dizziness and fainting.
I'm sorry i can't help you more but an aneurysm causes severe symptoms. My grandfather had one.
The pressure feeling is probably because not enough blood is being pumped there by our weak autonomic system. Do you get it while standing up suddenly from sitting too? xx