View Full Version : Feeling good again

jenny kilden
06-01-14, 09:13
Hi all, been on cit 20 for about 3 months... And I am feeling good again, like me again. I haven't been on here in a few weeks, I've been to newyork and had a lively Christmas and new year with family.

It's my 2nd time on cit and it is working good for me again, I think the key is to just take everything day by day, also what I found helped me a lot was going to the gym, I have been taking my two children to school and then going to the gym for a workout and swim, it's made a big difference.

I hope everyone is doing ok, please don't give up it will get better x
Take care all xx

06-01-14, 09:16
well done Jenny,it shows its worth hanging in there when times are bad

06-01-14, 09:40
Hi Jenny it is good to hear that you are feeling so good again, I am my second time on cit, well I didn't really come off as I went down to 5mg and knew things weren't right, I went back to 10mg for 3 weeks and am now going into my 4th week on 20, mornings are horrible but the anxiety doesn't seem so bad it is the physical things which maybe are side effects but would I still be getting them after 7 weeks, these include upset stomach, dry mouth where it is a job to swallow, feeling sick and not wanting to eat, I was just wondering how long it took you to feel that things were starting to work again. x

06-01-14, 12:42
thank you so much for popping on to give an update! It's really great to hear stories like this for newbies to cit like myself! I'm just on day 21 today and while I am feeling better, still hitting the rough patch here and there. I visit this board daily for stories just like yours! Gives me a lot of hope!

06-01-14, 12:46
Great job and very positive post, Jenny. Way to go and thanks for letting everyone know the progress that you're making.

Follow The Sun
07-01-14, 18:53
Thanks for this post, Jenny. It's just the kind of thing I was hoping to read, as I've gone back on citalopram for the second time and am finding it tough. I'm just going into week 5 and am still very up and down (down today - rubbish!) but I'm sticking with it and it's encouraging to hear you now feel good and had a brilliant Christmas and New Year. I'm planning to get back to the gym but it's hard when you haven't been eating much! I'm making sure I get out for a walk each day.

Like cmc46, I'm wondering how long it took you to start feeling a bit more normal?
