View Full Version : I have got a job & I am terrified!

15-11-06, 08:12
Hi all,
Inspired by reading claire weekes i decided that it would be a good idea to get a job. After 3 months of looking & a few interviews i have now got a job as a barmaid (prob not the best place for someone with anxiety, i know but its the only real thing i have experience in)

My first shift is on saturday 7 - 1.30 (nothing like throwing me in at the deep end) im just absolutely terrified. Thinking i have made a mistake & that im not ready. I have to go to the job centre on tuesday and sign off my benefits which is scary.

I will do 16 hrs a week & its the saturday night thats the worst. I just wanted to be normal and have a job like everyone else but maybe i have set my sights way too high with this one, i dunno.

Thanks for listening

15-11-06, 08:32
Hey Poppy,

You do like a challenge! Way to go though, just going through the motions was a big sign that you were ready, getting the job says someone else thinks you are OK.

I know exactly what you are talking about though. I am in a slighlty similar position and am sat waiting on the postie to drop some job news on the mat!! I am really worried as I don't think I want the job!!!

Sure your anxiety wil be through the roof, but.....you have learned more about it and how to deal with axious situations.

Saturday nightwill be hectic, but possibly so busy you'll forget what you were worried about.

Take care and let us know how you got in.


Laissez les bon temp roulez

15-11-06, 13:42
Hi poppy

Congratulations on getting a job-it sounds like it was a big hurdle you have passed and at a time when you felt ready for change-so you should be proud of the achievement. I think regardless of the anxiety people do get nervous before starting any new job because of the unfamiliarity of the situation. With regards to whether you have 'set your sights way too high' the only way to find out if this is so is to say to yourself 'i will give it a try' before deciding whether or not you are ready for this challenge then at least in your mind you will know you gave it a go.

Hope everything goes well


15-11-06, 14:23
Well done Poppy!!!! You will be absolutely fine, of course a little nervous, everyone is when they start on a new adventure. You will get through, none of the symptoms of anxiety will hurt you (although they are so awful) I think you will be so occupied you will cope just brilliantly!!!! Please keep us informed of your progress. xxxx:D

15-11-06, 15:46
well done for getting a job

on saturday you will probably be too busy to feel anxious


the dreams of the future are better than the history of the past

15-11-06, 19:17
Thank you all for your replies. Its just good to have support. I will be sure to post again and let you know how it goes.
Take care

15-11-06, 20:43
Hi Poppy

Just wanted to wish you luck for saturday!

Lovely to hear you have a new job, I hope it all turns out well for you,



16-11-06, 09:36
Its one of those situations isnt it when you get something then later question whether you are ready. I would say Poppy that you are most likely to get over your anxiety quicker by being thrown in at the deep end. Put it this way if you can work a 7-1.30 shift in a place full of people then you can pretty much do anything. Its like wheras alot of people work up to targets if you achieve this one, you will have achieved the biggest target and then you will like be working backwards as you would have got over your main fear and other worries won't seem half as scary as you thought they would

Good luck hunny

Dave, UK

19-11-06, 10:05
Hi all,

Well i have done my shift at the pub and it actually went ok. I was really worried when i got there and it must have been noticable because they kept telling me not to worry.

The staff are really nice and the landlord seemed impressed, he said he definately wants me to go back and that i did a really good job for my first night.

I had a few scary moment, like when the other barmaid went for a cig and i was on my own. One women was angry that she had to wait which upset me but i got through. I tried to over charge 1 man and i pulled 2 pints of flat beer but the landlord said that was nothing to worry about with it been my first day.

I am now worried that i have done something wrong on the till and they will find out when they cash up but i think im just been a bit silly and over anxious.

Thank you all for your support. It just shows that things are never as bad as we picture they will be.

Take care

19-11-06, 10:58
Hi Poppy,

Im so pleased to hear your new job went well Poppy!:D

Its only natural for anyone to be nervous on thier first day at work.

You did brill ! WELL DONE !!



19-11-06, 11:24
well done,my first job after recovering from GAD was in my local pub,i am still there after 8 months couple of more weeks you will be fine,but luckily i can drink while working so a couple of pints settled me down,also since your part time you should apply for tax credits :)

metal,rock, and hardcore music is my life!

19-11-06, 14:25
Way to go Poppy!!

Well done kiddo, sounds like the girl did good!!


What's so funny about peace, love and understanding?