View Full Version : not sure?

06-01-14, 11:58
hi because ive been suffering so long with anxiety and I have been referd to a place called mind and they want me to join a wellbieng course which is for all types of mental illness its a drop incentre so I can go anytime and meet other people there but because they told me the people that go there have different mental illness like depression, bipolar, alcolismn. and the schizophrenia etc I don't think I want to go to some ware like l that as I think it will make me worse and I would be scared to be around them as I would think I would end up like them because that's how my mind works for some reason. i know the pople that will be there isn't their fault the way they are but i just feel some thing like isn't for me and i just don't know what to do also ive found being around other people with mental illnesses seem to remind me that i have a mental illness and makes me feel worse not sure if any one can relate to this

06-01-14, 12:09

I hear what you're saying but personally, I feel it may be beneficial. Anxiety is a mental illness, no different than any physical illness in that it affects the quality of your life.

I've had cancer. There are support groups that meet with other survivors. Everyone has had/has cancer of all different types but the common denominator is cancer. Sharing experiences and hearing what works may or may not be relevant to me but I can glean what would be beneficial and gain support. Yes, it's a reminder of my cancer but it's also a reminder of my victory in beating it.

What you describe would be much the same. There may and probably will be other anxiety sufferers there too. I understand it reminding you of your affliction but accepting it is part of the healing process and that is a positive.

Remember, we cannot be "cured" but we can be "healed".

Positive thoughts

06-01-14, 12:17
try it once you might be surprised how much it helps working with fellow sufferers.If you dont like it dont go again

06-01-14, 12:21
What exactly are you scared of? Is it a worry that they will be harmful, judgemental, different?

You joined this forum because you wanted help and support from those with a mental illness, what is different about this drop-in centre? We are all in the same boat, all fighting the same cause. You could learn a lot from people from different backgrounds with different beliefs with different illnesses. I'd love to go to one.

06-01-14, 12:22
thk u fishmanpa i think you may be right in what ur saying , as maybe because i havent exepted deep down that i have anxiety i cannot move forward to healing until io do, but for some reason my mind wont exept it andi just don't don't know to. ive tried telling myself that yes i have anxiety so what etc but it doesn't seem to work so im at loss as to how i can exept it or im doing it all the wrong way or like what pancho says im not helping myself .

06-01-14, 12:24
I think that anything that takes us out of our comfort zone, tends to make us slightly anxious. For me, I would try to look at this as an opportunity to glean information from different people about what works for them. While it may be slightly unnerving at first, a positive attitude about it could go a long way. I agree with Mr Andy. Try it once and see how it goes.

06-01-14, 12:28
I think that anything that takes us out of our comfort zone, tends to make us slightly anxious.

That's part of the healing process and an exercise in CBT. Exposure therapy to a degree. I'm utilizing that as a way to overcome my aversion to certain noises (and Rap music ~lol~)

Positive thoughts

06-01-14, 12:31
When i was in hospital there were all sorts there with all types of mental illness but we all had one thing in common.You guessed it anxiety :)

06-01-14, 12:35
Fishmanpa is so right. Every time, I take a step out of my comfort zone, it helps me so much in the long run. Every step builds up my confidence level and shows me that I can handle things that I wasn't sure about. A very necessary part of recovery.

06-01-14, 12:36
rennie the people their are no different to me or anyone else they all are fellow suffers and i do feel sorry for them i think im just scared to go and finding exuses not to go because i wont go anyware if i can help it because of the way i feel all the time feeling so anxiouse .rennie im going to very honest now i am so scared of the anxiety the feelings etc even tho i know that it cant hurt harm me or hurt me so maybe im not helping myself by not doing or go anyware. i want to do things but the fear just takes overme and i give in to it sorry if ive offended any of you on here

06-01-14, 12:36
I agree with Tanner that a positive attitude goes a long way. Don't think 'I can't do this, I'm scared, it's too hard' and think 'Let's give this a go, see how it is, nothing cna harm me.'

06-01-14, 12:41
nobody is offended ,we want you to get better.Please go along and try it i am sure all the people will be very helpful and understanding.

06-01-14, 12:43
thank u all so much for your positive advice and im going to move forward and face all my fears once and for also i can get my like back

06-01-14, 12:45
Tricia, what you're feeling is normal. No one could possible be offended. We are all standing behind you, cheering you on.