View Full Version : Back To Work

06-01-14, 13:05
Today will be my first day back at work in ten days. My days have been filled with being at the hospital, taking care of my Dad. I'm so looking forward to getting into my normal routine of work. I know that this will be good for me. Regular routine and not dealing with the unknown every moment of today will be liberating.

The last ten days have shown me that there is nothing that I can't handle. Things may feel uncomfortable upon occasion but I can deal with all of it. When things seem tough, it is even more important to use our tool box and pull out all of the helpful tools. Ten minutes of meditation and breathing exercises can help me deal with anxiety. Reading a self help book or even a fiction book can distract me from my own worries for long enough to move forward with the next hour.

I've discovered that just getting through a moment is enough. I don't have to worry about getting through an entire day. Posting on NMP a quick response to help someone else can take my mind off of myself. Positive thoughts, instead of "poor me" thoughts are key to my recovery.

06-01-14, 13:43
Have a great day Tanner!

Female healthanxiety
06-01-14, 14:15
Well done! Xx

06-01-14, 14:18
I think I'm going to have to read back through your posts to figure out what's happened here. Hugs to you babe x

06-01-14, 17:04
Great tanner, I think your attitude is amazing.

06-01-14, 23:23
Well done!


07-01-14, 03:01
Hey Tanner!
You rock, girl!! You are kicking anxiety's arse!!!!

07-01-14, 22:27
How are you doing today Tanner?


07-01-14, 22:44
Doing well, Mermaid. Thankful for many things. Very thankful to have an evening at home for enjoyment and self care. You should be proud of your first two days back at work. Well done!