View Full Version : Burning chest........Anxiety?

06-01-14, 13:50
Hi everyone,
Please can you give your advice on a symptom I find really distressing? I suffer with a sense of burning and tightness across my chest and down into my arms. It's not heartburn. I feel am anxious most of the time. I just can't seem to conquer it and it has no apparent external triggers. I am however, in fear of the medication I am taking. From someone who would hardly pop a paracetemol a year ago, I have somehow found myself on a high dose of Pregabalin (450mg) and Mirtazapine (30mg) per day. Theses are prescribed medications. Could the burning I am experiencing be anxiety or is it what I fear a side effect of the medications. Has anyone else experienced this?
Thank you for your time

06-01-14, 18:33
Hi I take pregabalin 400mg daily but have not personally experienced this as a side effect, I do get burning sensations though when I am anxious, side of head mainly but I have experienced it in my arms and legs. It is scary but I try and practice slow deep breathing and wait for it to pass. I am not on Mirtazapine so not sure about side effects of this medication. x

06-01-14, 20:19
Hi almamatters,
Thanks for your reply. Have you found that pregabalin controls your anxiety? My anxiety seems out of control at the moment. I was so hoping the medication would help, I just kept agreeing to take more when it was suggested by my psychiatrist. To be honest, I feel more anxious now than ever before! The medication doesn't seem to have worked, just exacerbated my problems! Have you experienced any side effects?
Thanks x

06-01-14, 21:13
Hi allotmentgirl, I have found pregabalin to be the best medication for anxiety I have tried. My anxiety was sky high when I started on it last October but gradually it has improved, it has not got rid of it completely just helped to control it. Main side effects for me were dizziness initially and a bit of weight gain along with some concentration issues.
I am sorry your are struggling at the moment, how long have you been on pregabalin? x

07-01-14, 19:18
Hi almamatters,
I have been on pregabalin for nearly 10 months, the dose increasing gradually over that time. I've been on 450mg since October. If I'm honest, I can't say it's helped, only freak me out further due to the reliance on meds. I am tuned into any strange feeling I have and automatically put it down to a side effect of the medication. I have felt slightly spaced out and generally odd:this just increases my anxiety further!! Devil and deep blue sea spring to mind!! Thanks for your time in reading and replying. x