View Full Version : Dizzy Zaps - Electric Feeling - Seizure?

06-01-14, 14:36
Hi All,

Me again, we I feel like I've found a reason for the general dizziness and vertigo which I get which is down to a combination of anxiety and migraines... however I am still getting this one symptom which I feel is preventing me from knocking the anxiety on the head... It scares me every time it happens :(

What happens is I will be sat there normally on the computer at work or watching TV at home (90% of them have happened sitting down) and what will happen is..

My eyes will literally go out of focus for a split second, I get an odd sensation in one of my ears, a cross between fullness and roaring sound and then I will get like a jolt sensation of intense dizziness and then my right hand feels like its had a mild electric shock and im left with a tingling sensation.... In total it must last 2 seconds.

I can't figure out what it is, whether anyone else has these and whether it is a symptom of anxiety??

Its my one symptom I really fear happening and one which really scares me :(

06-01-14, 20:09
Am I the only one that has these? It's really upsetting me :(

06-01-14, 20:21
Hey,no you're not!! I get them,especially when very stressed,had my first one in about 2 years the other day!!I take them as a warning that I need to try & relax more :) My sister also gets them (she suffers anxiety & depression) as does a friend(who suffers anxiety)..can you see a theme here ;) try not to worry,although I know it's very hard not to,it really helped me knowing others had it as well xx

06-01-14, 20:31
Have you stopped any medication recently? I got those sort of feeling when i stopped my anti depressents cold turkey.

06-01-14, 21:06
Hey, not not on any medication atall... That's why it scared me as everyone else that has had them is coming off medication :( it's the one symptom I struggle with :(

06-01-14, 21:10
Me,not my sis or friend experienced them coming off meds,in fact I've never been on meds :) you're not alone xx

06-01-14, 21:11
I have had things like this when I am relaxed and drifting off to sleep. It happened a few times last night actually. .. like a zap in my head which occasionally goes into a hand
Its a symptom ive had which comes and goes. I did once ask my dr about zaps while drifting off to sleep and she didn't think it was anything to worry about.

I have had vertigo into the past and ear problems - mainly tinnitus which gets worse when I'm either stressed or having sinus problems. I did go to an ENT years back when I first got it and they couldn't find anything.

Vertigo I've had only a few times but it is awful. I first had it a few years ago and it terrified me. .. overwhelming sea sickness and a dizzy feeling. It scared me so much I ended up being scared to go out in case it happened again. I got some tablets called cinnarizine from the doctor to take if and when I needed them and they really helped with the wooziness.

Is awful because the more you think about about feeling wobbly the worse it gets
But how on earth are you speed to NOT think about it when you feel that way? ! That's why I found the tablets helped as they controlled the whoosy feelings so I didnt have to be constantly worrying about whether I was feeling seasick or not.

06-01-14, 22:06
Thanks for all your replies..
I have also issues with vertigo and balance issues to...
I suppose I've had these zaps for about 8 months now and nothing's happened so hopefully nothing will.

I use to find it hard to leave the house to but feeling better with the anxiety now and knowing that's what normally causes it with a combination of tiredness and stress...

It's just these jolts terrify me, they are very similar to the hyping jerks you get before falling asleep, it's jus there happening I'm the middle of the day! :(