View Full Version : I can't cope

06-01-14, 15:51
Fed up with bowel issues , been constipated had lots of wind and a sharp pain in my left side almost feels like a bruise when I press , I'm convinced I have colon cancer , did loose a small amount of bright red blood last week after straining . I'm so scared I won't go back to the docs .......... I live on my own and the thoughts are taking over my life .

06-01-14, 15:56
Hi Cags,

I bleed now and then but I'm too uppity to post threads about it. How old are you chick?

You should know that colon cancer is usually on the right side (where I do have a pain, but I still don't think I have cancer).

I think you should get yourself to the doctor. Be brave. They will do a digital exam, feel your tummy, then more than likely not want to do any further tests because your symptoms do not sound indicative of anything sinister.

06-01-14, 15:59
I'm 48 , this is really taking over my life I'm going to try my best to get to the doctors I'm struggling to even leave the house at the moment I'm tired all the time ..........

06-01-14, 16:05
I am certain that the tiredness is because you are worrying so much so you can cross that right off your cancer "evidence" list, ya hear?

Anxiety is exhausting.

At 48 the odds of colon cancer, even if you did have the textbook symptoms (which you don't) are very very low. IBS, stress, food issues, diet and lifestyle etc are about 10000 times more likely.

Book your appointment first thing tomorrow - try to get a same day appointment if you can so that you don't talk yourself out of it. Then you are one step closer to getting confirmation that you don't have cancer and hopefully you can start to believe it and move on with your life.

06-01-14, 16:06
I'm going to try to go first thing in the morning . Thank you

08-01-14, 12:11
Went to the doctors this morning told him symptoms sending me for lots of blood work

08-01-14, 12:17
Went to the doctors this morning told him symptoms sending me for lots of blood work

Let me no how it goes I have got to go and ave some blood test next week only cuts I ave not had ant
Any in a long time but today I seem to be having simpler pron
Be not sure wat mine is I do go normally at least once a day some times I miss a day but some times even wen I have been it always there is some to come but it don't today I got up wiv stomach and even in my bum feel sick with worry to top it op I keep going cold that's sets me in a panic hate going cold sorry for my rant xx