View Full Version : Really need some support pls :)

06-01-14, 16:30
Hi!! Out of my many "issues" one of them is a fear of taking ANY medication due to fear of side effects and them being "trapped" in my body ie if i react badly/have side effects theres nothing i can do but wait it out..Anyway i have a terrible fear of being Dizzy,a few years ago a friend of mine went on vitamins and got dizzy spells at the same time,this was blamed on the vitamins and of course its something i remeber :/..NOW i have had LOTS of blood test and i am defiencent in many MANY important vitamins and minerals,this is affecting my health in all ways,so i have to take vitamins,excpet i CANT!! I am terrfied,petrified of experiancing side effects,i try to rationalise that its like overdosing on sprouts,bananas,its not "Real" medicine etc...but its not working,i am still too scared to put that pill in my mouth..please help xx

06-01-14, 16:33
Can you crush up the pill and put the crushed up bits in water and drink it? I don't know if that would help its worth a try. X

06-01-14, 16:38
No,its not the actual process of taking it,ie what form its in,its the taking it full stop :( Its just a bloody vitamin :( :( Sorry im frustrated with myself!! xx

06-01-14, 16:51
No need to be sorry, I know how frustrated you must feel. I know what dizziness feels like its horrible I suffer with it quite a lot. :-( x x

06-01-14, 20:24
Yes, there are others here who've had difficulties with that--sort of a commitment-phobia in medical terms! I'm wondering if you have some similar anxieties with food, since it's unusual to have multiple significant deficiencies like that with a good diet. When they discovered the deficiencies, did you tell the doctor that you were unlikely to be able to take the necessary vitamins? They might be able to help you prioritize.

So what happens when you try to take them? Do you get a panic attack before they're in your mouth, or are you so afraid of getting a panic attack that you avoid even attempting to take them just in case? And are you getting help for the anxiety itself? It sounds like it's going to prevent you from getting physically better, which is really unfortunate, so now would be a good time to really point yourself at getting it treated if you haven't already.

I'm sorry you're having this difficulty--it sounds miserable! Hope you feel better soon.

06-01-14, 20:29
Thank you :) I just desperately need to take that first pill & finding it impossible!! :( xx

---------- Post added at 20:29 ---------- Previous post was at 20:25 ----------

Hi,no I don't have any issues with food,but have had 3 back to back pregnancies plus breast feeding,so they think its down to that,that or the fact I'm mal absorbing vits (as the defencies I hve are unusual ones) but hve a camera thingy booked in a couple if months time.
I get panic attacks just thinking about taking the pill,I put them in my mouth and can't swallow them,I totally freak out and I NEED REALLY NEED to take them!! They're just vits,that's it!! But it's mainly about side effects for me.its so hard because I know if I get side effects I can just NOT take them and try a different brand,it's so jnrational!! Xx

06-01-14, 20:36
It's funny what different places people can be with anxiety. You're actually in a really good place, in that you know your anxiety's irrational! You're just not able to fight the panic brain yet. I think that's a state people get to with phobias quicker than with general HA sometimes--it's just finding that way to mute the reaction so you can do what you know you need to do.

So are you doing anything to help you move the anxiety a little further down the road? Especially if you're breastfeeding and running around after little ones, it sure would be nice to feel stronger, and it's probably better for the breastfeeding child as well.

06-01-14, 20:39
Thank you :) I finished breast feeding my youngest in August :) what you're saying is so SO true!! I'm exhausted within an inch of my life,the thought of feeling stringer us so appealing,I hadn't thought of it like that!! Xx