View Full Version : Home Alone!

06-01-14, 17:26
Hi guys,

so yeah, as many of you will know, my grandad passed away last month, now my grandma today as been rushed into hospital, my fiance as had to go and stay with her grandfather over leicester (around an hour from me) and i am home alone for god knows how many days. My anxiety is awful right now, I'm a big guy for goodness sake, i use to do security, but i have no idea why I'm so scared about being a lone tonight I've rang friends whom are either busy or at work and i absolutely hate this big old house, creeps the hell out of me even when people are here. No idea why I'm posting this but my anxiety is high, and to top all that off my acid reflux is playing up to the point where i can't bloody get a deep breath! :scared15:

06-01-14, 20:50
Ì think anxiety gets worse when your on your own ,my does because my mind goes into overdrive thinking alsorts ,so I put the telly on and try and keep busy hope you feel better soon :)

06-01-14, 21:40
try and watch a good film! good thoughts x

07-01-14, 14:46
Thanks guys. It was horrible last night and now I'm on my eon all day and night again! I swear I'm gonna go crazy and end up rocking back and forth!

07-01-14, 16:49
You're not going to go crazy, Kez. You can and will handle this. You've been through a lot of stress that would be disturbing folks that don't have an anxiety disorder. Take a deep breath, and tell yourself that it's only anxiety, and it can't hurt me. I find thinking of what I'm afraid of and then figuring out the rational way that I will handle the fear, helps me alot, Kez. You're going to do great. Stepping outside of our comfort zone just makes us stronger in the long run.

07-01-14, 21:56
I hope you're ok. I'm sure you will be. Being alone can be frightening but you've got through one night and a day, well done :)