View Full Version : anyone get itchy? Can I use antihistamine?

15-11-06, 10:27
does anyone get itchy as a result of anxiety/ medication? The past two nights I have woken not too long after going to bed and my whole body itches from head to toe. It is really intense and I have scratched like mad until my body is raw. I got up and plastered myself in emollient, although my skin doesn't appear dry and lay on the couch willing myself not to scratch, until tiredness took over and I fell asleep. I am ok during the day, the itch is there but not as intense.
I have thought about the usual suspects, toiletries, soap powder etc but nothing has changed.
What I find frustrating is not knowing what is 'real' any more or what is as a result of being anxious/depressed/ on meds.
I seem to have it in my head that you can't take antihistamines with Citalopram? Does anyone know otherwise?
I don't want to ask pharmacist as she is someone I know and I don't like talking about me and my meds etc and I REALLY don't want to go to doc unles it becomes absolutely necessary.

15-11-06, 10:33
Morning Happyone,

I'm on 40mg of Citalopram a day and one of my side-effects is the scratching/picking at what were probably nothing to start with but now sore areas.

I've developed a couple of bald spots on my already shaven head where the hairs no longer grow because I'm constantly picking at the patches.

I also get itchiness on my arms but have found that rather than scratching the areas if you give them a slap it doesn't break the skin and, somehow, 'cures' the itch. Maybe the pain of a slap just takes your mind off the itch?![:o)]

I don't know about the antihistamines but am sure someone else will post some invaluable advice soon?

Happiness and light to you,

I saw her once, one little while, and then no more:
’Twas Eden’s light on Earth a while, and then no more.
Amid the throng she passed along the meadow-floor:
Spring seemed to smile on Earth awhile, and then no more;
But whence she came, which way she went, what garb she wore
I noted not; I gazed a while, and then no more!

James Clarence Mangan 1803 - 1849

15-11-06, 10:55
Hi Happy, Its funny I just looked at the topics and as I looked at your post I too have been itching like mad all night and at the moment. I have suffered anxiety on and off many years and the itching and rash is always one that returns, At the moment mine is just my legs and like you I have scratched until I have bled. I use emollient at times at night as it really drives me mad, but it is best seeing your GP as he once told me the oil in the emollient only made mine worst and gave me a non oily type cream (which didn’t work lol). I think taking a antihistamines is fine while taking your med as I have took them and am on cipralex which is similar medication, However if you want reassurance why don’t you call NHS direct? It’s free and they can tell you if it’s ok. The website is www.nhsdirect.co.uk and phone number is 08 45 46 47. Give them a call they are very helpful. Take care. Vernon

19-11-06, 09:45
When I posted this, I was mad with itching! I felt really frustrated as I didn't know why and it was inducing more anxiety not knowing what is 'real' and what is not!
However, I thought a little update wouldn't go amiss.....
I said that nothing had changed, soap powders etc? I was wrong! We had bought biological Ariel instead of the non-bio one! So, my itching was purely as a result of my being sensitive to my wash powder. I have now re washed everything and I am fine!
It's good to know that it is not my med as that would have just created another anxity for me!
Happyone (a very happynotitchyone!)