View Full Version : What is this?!

06-01-14, 17:47
I'm scared ... again.. I had a really hard year with my anxiety and newly found heart problem, you can read more about it in my other posts. Well today I wanted to start building my life together again. I used to be really active and played soccer for 11 years, was really good at it too. But now, for over a year, I've been unemployed, lived at home doing absolutely nothing. Just laying in bed every day. Today I went for a run for the first time in a really long time and also quit all tobacco products (I have been quitting gradually for a while, this is the first day without anything).

The reason I got scared was because I could only run for about 5 minutes before I got really tired. I know that of course my condition has gotten bad but oh my god, I'm really in this shape? I still got almost all my muscles.

So I walked home and now I have been trembling for about 2 hours and got blurred vision and just feel like sleeping. I feel like I'm in a haze. Now I don't want to work out anymore if this is the feeling I'm going to get. Shouldn't exercise make u feel better? What the hell is this... I'm surprisingly not worried about my heart but that's just because I always think about all kinds of cancers. Like now, this fatigue I'm feeling, it must be leukemia right? Oh god I hate myself..

06-01-14, 20:44
If you are extremely out of shape (like me :) you are not going to feel better from exercising at first. Your muscles will hurt and be fatigued. They have to be worked regular for this to be eliminated. Keep at it for awhile and see if it improves :)

06-01-14, 21:37
Yep - I know the feeling. Honestly, I think you are going to have to build yourself up to running again. Its not the muscles its the endurance....building up so you can run longer. That will take a while - as hard as it is - keep it up. Try to go a little longer tomorrow. I know part of your brain is telling you one thing - but, it really isn't cancer. It's really as simple as having not run for a long time and needed to build up the endurance again. When you got home and stressed about it - your anxiety kicked in and made you feel shaky and tired. I hate anxiety!!!