View Full Version : Freaking out!

06-01-14, 19:38
I am really freaking out today. Over the past week I have had achy arms and legs. The last day or two the aching is less but what I am feeling is hard to explain. My body feels extremely fatigued. When I am trying to type of do something else I feel shaky. Google was not helpful as now I am convinced I have muscle atrophy from cancer. I can't get in to the doctor until next week.

06-01-14, 21:45
Oh - don't Google......every time I do, it tells me I have some new type of cancer. I know how hard health anxiety can be. There are so many things that achy arms & legs can be....it could be as simple as the weather changing and joint hurting. It could be your diet is off and your not getting enough of a certain vitamin. I highly doubt it is any type of cancer. Isn't it crazy how our brains work and we convince ourselves we are dying of something? Ugh!!

06-01-14, 21:52
Thanks Barbn. It is so hard not to google. I would not worry about the achiness and numbness if I didnt have other symptoms. I have had a sore throat in one spot with earache I can't get rid of which makes me worry about advanced oral cancer. I spent the day calling around and found a doctor who could see me tomorrow. I hope he can help.

07-01-14, 21:51
Well just an update. I went to a new doctor today. Good and bad came out of the visit. He was very thorough. Understood my fears and said that cancer runs in his family so he understands. TOld me he would do every test he can until I am reassured and prescribed me prozac. Bad news: he did not seem concerned about the lump in my collarbone but kept feeling a spot on the side of my neck by the artery. Said he wanted an ultrasound asap. I am now freaking out even worse. I asked him worse case scenario and he said lymphoma or oral cancer (my mom passed from Hodgkin's lymphoma 2years ago). My ultrasound is tomorrow but I wont get results til probably Friday. Is an ultrasound going to show if it is something suspicious? Or does only a catscan do that?

07-01-14, 22:00
Oh dear, he sounds very thorough but probably trying a bit too hard to cover all his bases! I had a lymph node on my collarbone that I was worried about. I went for a mamogram (unrelated issue to do with breast discharge) and while I wad there i asked the sonographer to check it. She looked at it and st al the nodes on that side and said they were all normal, so yes, it would show up on an ultrasound. Also, when I had mine i was told then and there that the results were fine even though they don't publish them properly right away.

07-01-14, 22:03
Thanks Cattia. I can feel the lump in my neck. I thought it was my artery and id it was normal but he said it was not. It is about 2 inches in size and firm running down along my neck. He said that with the significant weight loss and feeling down he wants to make sure nothing is missed.

08-01-14, 20:37
Had my ultrasound today. They wouldnt tell me much except I had 2 very large nodes on the side of my neck and one directly under my chin :( Now I am really fearing cancer especially since my sore throat is still there.

08-01-14, 20:56
Keep us in the loop and remember, it''s not cancer until they say it is! I've BTDT

Positive thoughts

09-01-14, 23:24
Dr finally called. Said my lymph nodes were semi enlarged but he is not worried about them. Can they tell this from my ultrasound????

---------- Post added at 23:24 ---------- Previous post was at 23:20 ----------

From what they saw on my tests along with all my other tests (chest xray, cbc, c-reactive protein, etc) they are not worried. I still am!!

09-01-14, 23:42
Dr finally called. Said my lymph nodes were semi enlarged but he is not worried about them. Can they tell this from my ultrasound????

---------- Post added at 23:24 ---------- Previous post was at 23:20 ----------

From what they saw on my tests along with all my other tests (chest xray, cbc, c-reactive protein, etc) they are not worried. I still am!!

Yes, they can tell. There are trained technicians and doctors that have spent years learning to read and detect issues from ultrasounds, CAT and PET scans. That's EXCELLENT news!

Let me level with you, when I read that he felt those nodes and wanted an ultrasound I was like "Uh Oh" and was worried for you! I had a similar situation with my cancer.

I had a swollen node on the left side of my neck that didn't respond to antibiotics and in fact got larger over a period of 4 months. A CAT scan confirmed. An ENT did a scope and felt it was cancer and told me flat out it was. He just didn't know what type. A FNAB (fine needle aspiration biopsy) of the suspicious node confirmed it was SCC. Really... you should be breathing a HUGE sigh of relief! It's probably just some allergies or such that they're reacting to.

Again... Congrats of the negative results!!

Positive thoughts!!

10-01-14, 01:09
Thanks Fishmanpa! I am still nervous mainly because I think, "man if this is all in my head I am for real crazy!" I am still taking the prozac he prescribed. Never taken it before so I dont know how effective it is or how long it takes to kick in