View Full Version : Feeling good right now

06-01-14, 21:21
I'm on week 5 now of citalopram and actually feeling very good at the moment!

I had panic attacks, constant anxiety and became very depressed at the start of October. I went to the doctors and was given beta blockers and citalopram for this.

After suffering some pretty horrific side effects during the first week or so, things have started to become more manageable and I'm feeling a bit like my old self again over the last few days. I went back to work today after being off since 27th November and had a pretty good day, so I'm counting my blessings at present.

I've put together a list of things below which have helped me along with the meds, because I think it's all to easy for us to start taking them and expect to be cured. Hopefully some of this may help if you're struggling on citalopram.

Going for a long walk - at least 2 times a week for an hour. Being outside helps to make you feel more alive again, especially if you're feeling drowsy or out if it from the medication.

Reading - two books I'd recommend are The Chimp Paradox by Dr Steve Peters and Overcoming Depression by Paul Gilbert (although its a big book!). Both have given me a new way of thinking about how the brain reacts in different ways to stresses and how to overcome automatic emotional responses and become more logical and rational. The depression one also has techniques for mindfulness, controlling breathing and grounded meditation which actually works quite well for me.

No Dr Google! I've banned myself from this, it's just not a good idea.

Making time to speak to friends on the phone it in person. Facebook has been deleted since mid October and my life is so much better for it! People only show you what they want you to see on it, it's unhealthy to probe Into people's lives in that way, and the grass always seems greener when in actual fact it's not!

I've downloaded to NHS Couch to 5K app on my phone and after not really exercising for at least half of my lifetime, I've been out and done 5k for the last 3 days. It was agony. I was slow. I went red and turned j to a sweating mess, but I did it and felt so proud and great afterwards!

Work is just a job. Before I spent a ridiculous amount of time working and for what? Money is not that important, you can't take it with you after all, and life should be about your relationships with the people around you, not the items you can buy.

But the most effective thing I've done is to try send just live in the moment. Not to beat myself up about things past, or worry about things yet to come...just enjoy the moment and live in it.

Hope you're all doing ok and that some of you are starting to feel the benefits. If you're not then try not to worry, you will start to feel better soon xxxx

06-01-14, 21:44
Well done,it shows what effort and perseverance can do for you :)

07-01-14, 08:27
Some good advice there!

I started Couch to 5K a short while after I started on the citalopram as I realized what a difference running made to me. Now I don't know where I'd be without the running. I ran 12.5K the day before yesterday - something I never thought would be possible.

My cats keep me in the now a lot.

Interesting what you say about work though. I think at some point I'm going to need to redress the balance there too. :huh:

08-01-14, 21:36
Well done, let's hope you continue to improve x x

09-01-14, 11:25

I was just wondering how much propranalol you take with the citalopram, I have seen my GP this morning and he said I could take propranalol along with the 20mg of citalopram, when do you take it and do you find it helps with the physical sides of the anxiety?

09-01-14, 13:21
Awesome post Social Butterfly. It is always so great to hear how well others are doing. Congratulations on your hard work. It is really showing the improvements that you are making. I'm really happy for you and I so appreciate your sharing all of the ideas that are helping you to recover. Well done!

11-01-14, 21:06
I really like this post - congrats on your perseverance and congrats on feeling better. Keep it up - it'll pay back eventually! :)

11-01-14, 21:20
That's a real success story butterfly and thank you for sharing this with us. I agree with the techniques you're using. Many of these are on my list if what makes me feel better. Not least taking exercise, reading, phoning friends but most especially this bit.....

"Work is just a job. Before I spent a ridiculous amount of time working and for what? Money is not that important, you can't take it with you after all, and life should be about your relationships with the people around you, not the items you can buy."

13-01-14, 17:26
Thanks everyone! How are you all getting on?
CMC - I take 40mg propranolol and 20mg of citalopram daily. At first I didn't think it was working but I feel so much better for it now!

Still feeling good, especially enjoying being bs k at work which takes my mind off it all. Still trying to maintain a work life balance thats not too skewed towards working and am trying really hard to see my friends more often which is lovely :D

Take care everyone xx

---------- Post added at 17:25 ---------- Previous post was at 17:22 ----------

Cmc - it helps with the sweating, shaking, and heart palps. It works about an hour after taking it for me. The citalopram is helping me to feel mentally more capable xx

How are you getting on with both? Xx

---------- Post added at 17:26 ---------- Previous post was at 17:25 ----------

I take both in the morning when I get up (about 6am) x