View Full Version : Anxiety over my heart. Again.

07-01-14, 00:13
Hi everyoneeee,

Basically, I've been having chest pains and palpitations for about two years now, and some symptoms are starting to make me worry again. Basically, sometimes when I'm not even anxious and I've had a relaxing few days, the palps will just start. I try to brush it off but sometimes they really get me down. For example, last night as I laid down to get into bed they started (this often happens) but it was more or less every other beat and it kept me up until about 8AM the next day so I only got a few hours sleep :(

Also, the palpitations are sometimes really painful. Like they hurt my chest. I don't know if that's normal or not but that part worries me the most. I know the pains are heart related as they come WITH the palpitation - I don't know if it's just a really painful palp or something else.

I've had an ECG and an echocardiogram about a year ago and they came back fine. I don't know what to do anymore :(

07-01-14, 01:21
mate, tell me about it. I've had ECG and echo. I'm constantly getting angina pains and my life is ruined. nobody believes me . I've had the painful palps before,just anxiety at it's finest.

07-01-14, 01:46
I've had an ECG and an echocardiogram about a year ago and they came back fine. I don't know what to do anymore :(

I took a look at your posts and the heart is the big one for you Jsp. It's a big one for a lot of HA sufferers. Thing is, anxiety symptoms mimic heart issues to a degree. The other thing is, even though logically, if there were an issue, you wouldn't be here after two years, but your mind won't allow you to believe that :(

I don't know if you've sought help in the form of CBT, therapy, meds or a combination of them but if you haven't, it would be a good place to start. Proper nutrition, exercise (even a walk every day) and learning about your anxiety and the physiology behind may be helpful in alleviating the symptoms you're experiencing.

Positive thoughts

07-01-14, 13:09
Suffering badly myself .. torturing myself that the drs have missed something
I get a sudden sharp pain in the centre of my chest that takes my breath away sometimes and other a dull crushing ache in the centre of my chest that last minutes I also get pains down my arms and tingly fingers all the time .. my latest symptom is breathlessness .. I constantly feel out of breath .. even getting out of bed and going to the toilet in the night leaves me feeling breathless .. or just lying in bed .. I have never had what I would call a typical anxiety attack .. ie .. sweats , racing heart , hyperventilation .. when I get these pains I feel calm as a cucumber .. which if why I find it hard to axcept these being to do with anxiety / panic disorder .. im so scared that im literally waiting for the next episode to be the one that kills me ..
Your not alone .. I have had ecg's .. bloods done amd chest x ray .. all come back clear :/

07-01-14, 13:26
You have anxiety. You're posting on an anxiety website. One of the most troubling symptoms of anxiety is chest pain. You have tests that come back clear. There are no other contributing factors such as age or congenital defects or the like. Logically, it can't be your heart.

Positive thoughts and prayers that you find a way to treat the root of the problem.

07-01-14, 13:38
This is my only HA fear...today was a bad day...I know how u feel and it sucks :(