View Full Version : Chiropractors

07-01-14, 03:52
Hello! I'm hoping this will help ease my mind tonight!
I've been seeing a chiropractor for over a year now. I have seen two, I have one where I live currently and one at home where my parents live (where I used to be). They've helped me with my headaches and neck stiffness some and I like going to them.
I was recently home for the holidays so I went to see my old chiropractor who gave me a very thorough adjustment because my muscles were super tense and I was out of alignment. For the next couple days, the back of my neck, shoulders, and head felt a little pressurey and weird. I tried to brush it off but I couldn't. I sat awake last night and stupidly (and I know everyone is probably going to tell me how silly this was) googled it thinking it would be a totally normal thing with chiropractic adjustments. Of course not-it had to be the articles about otherwise healthy, young women like me that had strokes after neck adjustments. I'm not sure how much merit to give this, especially because I trust me chiropractor, believe in his ability, and know he is experienced.
I've been terrified ever since, and it's just tensing up my neck and shoulders even more which I'm sure isn't helping! Has this sort of fear every happened to anyone else? I don't want to be afraid to go to the chiropractor because it helps me immensely, but I also don't want to have these nights of panic because of it.
Thanks for reading :)

07-01-14, 05:32

I can totally relate.

I have seen an osteopath a few times for neck pain and he has adjusted my neck and also cracked it. I did feel an amazing difference for a bit.

But like you I was looking up chiropractors etc and I saw those articles and now it's made me terrified to go back!!

I don't know how much substance is behind the articles. Well you and I have both had neck adjustments an we are still here!

07-01-14, 16:28
I have been going to see a chiropractor on and off for about four years.
I just cannot afford private treatment any more ,especially as I have to travel
quite away.so I am hoping to have some help from NHS as soon as I have the
results from my tests at the Hospital (I went to see a rheumatologist)
I have had treatment on my neck from the chiropractor. although I went for back
pain. Did not know about the stroke thing. When I had an assessment recently --at the bottom of the page the STRESS box had a tick in it.
Anyway,I am still here too.:)

08-01-14, 21:35
Thanks for the replies! I thought if someone else had the same issue this would be helpful-I went back to my other chiropractor and told him about the symptoms I felt after the last adjustment. He said my other chiropractor did a more thorough adjustment and more towards the top of my neck than I was used to, which can cause a little discomfort and disorientation since it's more motion in your neck that you're used to if you usually have a lot of tension. Needless to say I got my neck adjusted again haha I'll probably still worry (needlessly-even google says if they're gonna affect you negatively they happen almost directly after treatment) but if it makes me feel better I'm just gonna make myself do it!