View Full Version : stabbing shoulder pain

07-01-14, 11:31
I have HA had it since an ectopic pregnancy in 2010, I have a sharp stabbing pain in my shoulder only happened a couple of times.

Made the mistake of looking it up on dr google and it says it is a symptom of a heart attack!

I dont have any of the other symptoms can someone please put my mind at rest as currently having a mini panic attack not good when im at work.

Thanks :)

07-01-14, 11:49
If it only happened a couple of times then I am pretty sure it is nothing to worry about and certainly not a heart attack!

Just ignore it and move on. We all get aches and pains all the time.

07-01-14, 11:55
Thanks for your reply Nicola

07-01-14, 12:05
hi sarah im experiencing this exact symptom today & i too fear the heart thing.