View Full Version : Feeling scared

pink daisy
15-11-06, 11:40
Hi My name Is Kate

I am 27 I suffer from Agoraphobia. I have had it since I was thirteen,
I was house bound at the age of 18 for a few mounths now the feeling of that is coming back.. I cant stay on my own this has been since i was a bout 15. I can only stay with a few safe people in a house with a car parked out side and the safe person has to have a driving licence too.
I cant walk anywhere now only a few steps. I get really scared out in the car I get scared about getting out of it to come back into myhose which I can park directly outside. I live above my husbands postoffice which I cant go down stairs and stay in there now. I used to work in there last year. My husband is on Intercom down stairs when hes working or less I wont stay up stairs. Im scare 24/7 now find it hard to swallow all day as it's getting worse Im so scared has any body been this way And got through it?? Apart from all that I am a very happy person who makes people laugh well in side somewhere at the moment

k m tizzard

15-11-06, 12:06
Hi Kate,
I dont have agoraphobia myself but there are people on this site who do. Im sure youll receive lots of help and support here. Im quite new and feel loads better since joining nmp.
Take care
julie x

15-11-06, 12:41
Hi Kate,

Welcome to NMP.....rest assured you are not alone here. I can think of several people who could have written that post.

You will find help, advice and support in here...by the bucketful. I've been in here for about 6 weeks now and it is fantastic.

Like Hopeful I don't have agrophobia, but I know loads of folks in here who use the site.

The chat room is very handy, if manic (in a nice sort of way) at times. It thrives on folks who can have a laff and smile, even in adversity. Sometimes it feels difficult to join in, particularly when busy, but you are sure to get an ear if you need it.

Take care and look forward to virtually meeting you


Laissez les bon temp roulez

15-11-06, 12:58
Hi Kate,

Welcome to this site. I am not agoraphobic myself, but I have my own fears keeping me trapped 24/7 really. My fear is madness. It has such a huge grip on me, that it affects every part of my life. And the sad thing is I find it hard to believe that it won't happen to me...so I guess when your agoraphobic you find it hard to believe that nothing bad is going to happen to you while you are outside.
As others have said before me, there are lots of people on this site that feel exactly the same way as you do....One thing you can do is just type agoraphobia into the search tab and it will bring you up older topics that someone else posted and you can just read through them. :)
Love and hugs xx

"If you magnify your imperfections and minimize your good points, you're guaranteed to feel inferior. But the problem isn't YOU its- its the crazy lenses you are wearing! " Feeling Good handbook

15-11-06, 13:23
Hi Kate, and yes I have had agoraphobia to the extreme where I have been able to do nothing, Even little jobs around the house where terrifying. But keep pushing and doing a little regularly and you will get out of it. I don’t mean push too hard as I think pushing to hard only increases anxiety, but keep telling yourself that you are well and healthy and try (even though its hard) to do a little every day. I found one of the biggest problems is an empty mind, so try to do something reading anything to distract. Working is so very hard but doing even a few minutes a day in the shop is a great help. You won’t feel you can do any of these things, even feel imposable to do them but just do a little and I promise you will get better. Take care hope you feel a bit better soon. Vernon

15-11-06, 13:28
Hi Kate,you will get get lots of support here and helpfull advise.I have problems going out on my own.;)

Ellen XX

15-11-06, 13:49
Hi Kate

Welcome to the forum.

On this site you will find many people with the same problem as you who will be able to offer advice and support to you-remember you are not alone.

Take care


15-11-06, 15:34
hi kate


i've had agorophobia on and off since i was 17 and am 41 now. at one point i couldnt get out of bed cos it was the only place i felt safe and couldnt have the curtains open in my room as i couldnt face seeing outside. gradually i've managed to get over the worst of it and can now do little things on my own although i cant be alone in the house at night. i went to a psychologist who worked with me to help me get better


the dreams of the future are better than the history of the past

Sue K with 5
15-11-06, 15:49
Hi Kate

I can relate to all those feelings especially being left alone, although I have no choice at times and this has proven to be very difficult and left me in tatters for days on end.

I was diagnosed at 18 but managed to fight it for years until 2001 when the symptoms got very severe, in the last four years I have been taking medication and some of the symptoms worsened in the last two years, I have no undergoing hypnotherapy and hopefully start CBT properly at last which I have waited two years for.

Kate I dont know a magic wand or an answer to the cure for this but I do know people have survived and got better so dont give up faith if you fancy chatting please feel free to pm me or email and I will be happy to talk to you about anything you want

Hugs for now



15-11-06, 20:23
Hi Kate,

Lovely to see you here, im sure you will get some great advice here while making new friends on the way!:D

I suffer with Agorophobia also, but things have got better for me the last year, never give up hope kate, there is light at the end of the tunnel i promise you that, we are all here to help.



15-11-06, 20:25

Welcome to the forum, you will get a lot of good advice here and make some new friends.

Take care

Trac xx

'Live your life with arms wide open, today is where your book begins, the rest is still unwritten'