View Full Version : Need some advice please.

07-01-14, 11:50
I expect some of you have read my story before but I started taking citalopram July 2012 and it worked very well, by the April 2013 I was feeling I could come off, I slowed down very slowly and spent 5 months on 10mg, and now wonder why I ever came off, I went down to 5mg in September and felt the anxiety was coming back so the doctor said to go back to 10mg, I felt even worse, I stayed on 10mg for 3 weeks and then increased to 20mg which I have been on for just over 3 weeks but still not feeling any positive effects, in fact I feel as bad as I did before going on it the first time round, I know it gets worse before it gets better, do you think I have given it enough chance or am I expecting too much too soon? I have to see my GP on Thursday and don't know whether to say I will stay on it for a bit longer and see what happens or to try something else.
Thanks for your help.

07-01-14, 12:05
It took me about 2 months to settle onto 20 mg. At three weeks I recall not being in a great way.

I started out on 20 mg from the very beginning. I think by the time I'd got to 3 / 4 weeks I felt I'd invested too much time into citalopram to give up. Glad I didn't in the end but it's been hard work.

07-01-14, 12:37
Thanks teej, like you I feel if they are going to work it is worth going on after going through all the bad bits, I don't really want to have to go through it all again on something else, my only worry is that they won't work this time as I have read some threads where people say they haven't worked second time around for them but I wonder if they gave up to quickly and they would have worked eventually, I think I will keep trying and thanks again.

07-01-14, 14:00
This is now my third time - I've been on citalopram and escitalopram before.

I made myself a deal that I would sit it out on a stable dose for 3 months before I went and looked at alternative options. That way if I was going to have to suffer coming off one drug and onto another, at least I'd have given it a fair chance.

07-01-14, 14:04
Yes that's true, I would hate to think I had given up when it may work in a few weeks time, it just seems like forever at the moment. I'm glad things are looking up for you now.

07-01-14, 14:18
I've got lovely flu at the moment so have a headache and high temperature. Boo.:weep:

I remember the date I started on cit again - 22nd October 2013. It does feel like a life time!

The thought that hope was around the corner kept me going too!

Follow The Sun
07-01-14, 16:45
I'm just into Week 5 and it's still quite rocky on some days but, like you two, I'm going to stick it out to give it a chance to work. I think it will be fine eventually, it just seems to take that bit longer for your body/brain to adapt the second time.

Hope your flu goes soon Teej.

07-01-14, 16:57
It does seem that way Follow The Sun, I wonder if the trouble is, well I know in my case I expected to go back from 5 to 10 and feel as good as I had before going down to 5 but it didn't happen. Good luck to you all xxxx