View Full Version : Anyone problem with vision

07-01-14, 13:30
Anyone having problems with there vision at the moment. since the other day when my left eye was blurred well it,s been weird since and today it,s been like tunnel vision in fact i had that yestaday. felt like i,ve been gong cross eyed with it ect..... a bit scary:unsure:

07-01-14, 14:09
Hi fruity, that could possibly be migraine related if you get them? I've had a lot of vision problems in the last year that I'm told are migraine related, it's very odd.

Anxiety can cause vision problems, but if it's a new symptom that's worrying you then a visit to the doctor or an optician might be a good idea.

08-01-14, 12:35
i don,t suffer migrane. and i,ve had this vision thing on and off for nearly 6 years when my anxiety started although they seemd to have got better the last year or so. could just be one of those things. thanks for your reply