View Full Version : I got a job cos I panic!!!

16-07-04, 21:41
A few of you may know that I was told last week that we were being outsourced to a company called Logica and not all of us would be working for Britannia Airways for much longer.

Well we have had 3 meetings since and today we were told that only one out of the 4 of us would be staying on site at Britannia and the other 3 would be found jobs elsewhere within the new company.

Well it is not DEFINITE yet but we were told that it was probably going to be me that was staying BECAUSE of my fear of public transport and the inability to travel by public transport. [Sigh...] They did also say that they valued my experience so that was something positive.

Do I feel good - [No]. I feel bad cos of the other 3 guys and it is not fair on them that I get it cos I am ill! Most of the jobs are in London so I could not get there but they will have to travel by train too and that makes their day longer.

I told the new company last week that I did NOT have to stay at Luton cos of the problems I have with getting somewhere and I was trying to put them off keeping me on cos of it. I offered to get to Cambridge etc.

Now I feel really bad cos it looks like I got it cos of the panic/anxiety and that is not why I wanted to get it.

I know that I should be pleased I have a job and it also looks like the new company have even taken my circumstances into consideration which is such a breath-of-fresh-air to see but I still don't feel like celebrating.

I will be alone in the office - lose the 3 guys I have worked with for years and all cos I suffer. We have a good laugh and I will miss them.

It is not certain yet but unless I put a spanner in the works and refuse the job then it is 70% mine.

I think I will try and see what other jobs they have elsewhere just to show the others that I can go somewhere else and who knows I may find another job I like.

So thanks for listening - just wanted to say that a) employers do seem to care about us and our limitations but b) sometimes being a sufferer sucks when it effects other peoples lives.:(


16-07-04, 22:11
hiya nic

wats the job???

i quite shocked, uv gotta job coz of ur illness, odd

Scooter Girl

if i wa hungry would u feed me, if i fell u you help me up, if i was crying would brush away my tears

16-07-04, 22:23
Same job as I am doing now Jade - Unix System Administrator


16-07-04, 22:34
wats dat!!!???

Scooter Girl

if i wa hungry would u feed me, if i fell u you help me up, if i was crying would brush away my tears

16-07-04, 23:10

I'm sure lots of it is beacause you do a fab job and are really concientious too.

It is good to see the duty of care being wheeled out and in action for once.

In reality as you are not disabled or currently under doctors orders they cannot legally just do this . Any of the other 3 could contest and force re interviews for the Luton position. But if they don't and you like it there - be thankful and appreciative.

Does that mean you'll be doing a 1:1 on call ?


Anxiety is a thin stream of fear trickling through the mind.
If encouraged, it cuts a channel into which all other thoughts are drained.
Robert Albert Bloch

17-07-04, 13:05
<b id="quote">quote:</b id="quote"><table border="0" id="quote"><tr id="quote"><td class="quote" id="quote">wats dat!!!???

Scooter Girl

if i wa hungry would u feed me, if i fell u you help me up, if i was crying would brush away my tears

<div align="right">Originally posted by Scooter Girl - 16 July 2004 : 22:34:21</div id="right">
</td id="quote"></tr id="quote"></table id="quote">

Basically I look after the computers that run the airline. We just make sure they are up and running 24 hours a day.

Got to go to work this evening from 4.15 pm - boo. Not sure how long I will be there but we are upgrading the computers so could be a long job.


17-07-04, 13:08

I wish it was done on merit but the Logica guys haven't even asked my boss who he thought should be kept on and they don't have a clue who is the best in the team.

Kev and Nick are probably going to end up in London and as for Andy - who knows!

I am not sure about the on-call - they say that we won't have to do it - that is another £300 I will be down every 3 weeks then!!

The downside is that I will have to do all the upgrades alone and these are usually done at weekends or at night.

Oh well - we shall see what happens. If I don't like it then I will have to look around. Just cant be bothered at the moment lol.

Thanks anyway.


17-07-04, 13:16
wow nic, big responsibility, hope u get paids lots,

Scooter Girl

if i wa hungry would u feed me, if i fell u you help me up, if i was crying would brush away my tears

17-07-04, 14:51

I never think I get paid enough [8)]

But everyone thinks that, don't they.


17-07-04, 17:14
hi nic
its not easy when your whole work situation is tipped on its head, a good atmostphere is hard to create - but you know youve been chosen on merit and nowt to do with 'your problems' over the others and rightly so, its you doing the courses and covering the 'on-call' mostly.
still if the job turns into one your not enjoying in the future you can always look elsewhere, im sure alot of companies would be pleased to have ya.
hope it works out ok, you take care..... andrew x

17-07-04, 18:33
Hi Nicola

Don't do yourself down hon, there's no way they would want to keep you on if you weren't totally brill at your job and I have no doubt that even if a little bit of it is due to your panic, a big factor in the decision is how good you are too.

Unfortunately life can be mean sometimes and it shows what a caring person you are to feel so bad about the other guys, but you've got to look after yourself, afterall, someone has to stay and if thats the best option for you then its not all bad. If things don't work out, as Andrew says, you can always look elsewhere later on but who knows, it may be the start of something good. Us humans are all a bit wary of change and its especially hard when you have such good team mates, but a dismal as the whole situation may seem at the minute, you'll soon settle into it and it will become the norm in next to no time.

Hope everything goes well for you - love to hear how things progress.

Lots of love Jo xxx

17-07-04, 19:18
Hi Nic

Remember the bit about having experience and you are valued. Sounds like your new employers do care but at end of day they will only care so much, as in if you werent up to the job they wouldnt have kept you there. So it proves they feel it is worthwhile having you there.

Dont beat yourself up about the 3 guys, i am sure they will understand and be a lot more supportive of you than you are yourself.

Yes you will miss them, but i am sure they will keep in touch with you.

You deserve the job and if you definately get it, its on your merit, remember that.

Good luck.

Love Sal xxxxx

17-07-04, 19:40
<b id="quote">quote:</b id="quote"><table border="0" id="quote"><tr id="quote"><td class="quote" id="quote">Same job as I am doing now Jade - Unix System Administrator


<div align="right">Originally posted by nomorepanic - 16 July 2004 : 22:23:04</div id="right">
</td id="quote"></tr id="quote"></table id="quote">

I you dont have one of the best unix based computers out there...The Apple mac!


18-07-04, 18:46
Thanks for the replies - much appreciated.

Andrew - I am not going to be doing on-call in the new job - [:P] But the down side is the loss of money that came in from it - paid for my posers car lol. Thanks for thinking of me.

Jo Thanks for the words. Yes it is time I started thinking about myself and the lads are big enough and ugly enough to look after themselves. I appreciate the kind words :)

Sal Thanks mate - I am trying to look at it positively but I am also going to look around within Logica in case something else comes up nearer to home. I will miss the guys (despite having problems with one of them) but I guess we can keep in touch! xxx

Jon What is a mac[:P][}:)] I doubt it would run the airline lol but I know you are a great fan! How are you doing anyway?

All - I have just done a mammoth stint of 25 hours at work. Went in last night at 4.15 and just got back tonight at 5.30!!![:O] I am absolutely shattered cos we worked through the whole 25 hours and it still isn't working completely. It is really strange cos I can't talk - I am slurring my words as though I have had a great night on the town. Off to bed early tonight and a long sleep tomorrow. My boss asked me to go in later tomorrow if I could!! HMMMMM! There were 4 of us in so we had some company but wow was it hard work. Why don't computers work!!!:(

Anyway off to eat my Sunday roast soon and then to bed!!

Cheers all, I will let you know how the job goes



18-07-04, 19:24
Hi Nic

I bet you are shattered, thats a long shift.

Its a good idea to look for a job closer to home, then you have got other options to consider and decide what suits you best.

Hope you manage to catch up on all you sleep.

Love Sal xxxxx

19-07-04, 11:09

Can't believe I missed this post before. Just hang in there and do what is right for you.

I'm thinking of you.

Big hugs


19-07-04, 13:16
Hi Nic,

Just read message.

Please don't blame yourself It sound like you have done all you can. I'm sure the other guys know and understand what you have done!

That was a big achievement for you telling your new company you are prepared to move on and you won't let your panic get in the way! So well done to you!

You did everything right! remember there is going to be an uphevel whatever it not your fault!I hope it works out for you!

Good luck let us know how it goes!

Take care


19-07-04, 17:30
Hi Nic,

Sounds like a difficult one. Good idea to look around- sometimes you can find your dream job when you least expect it! You are conscientious and dedicated and a nice person too, so give yourself a break!! I feel certain that it will work out for you.

Lots of love,


Outside a dog, a book is a man's best friend.
Inside a dog, it's too dark to read.
-Groucho Marx.

19-07-04, 21:13
Sal - thanks - I still feel a bit weird today - very heady and dizzy. Lack of sleep lol. Hopefully I will be fine by tomorrow.

Jules - Hiya. I am still waiting to hear but we will get there soon I hope.

Pips - thanks for the support. I am sure the guys will be ok. It is not definite yet but we shall see.

Alex - hiya - long time no see. I hate change and was settled but a new challenge may make me love work again! lol

Thanks all



26-07-04, 21:42
well just because you got the job because of your illness doesnt mean you wouldnt get it anyway, well done!!!


26-07-04, 22:14
Hiya Nic

just a quick thought for you to ponder on............

I know its a hard thing to have to deal with...your feelings and those of your colleagues BUT...........

Be selfish for once in your life mate, think of number 1!!!!!
You do so much for others, its time you started thinking and looking after yourself eh?

There you go, motherly kick up the ass over.....lol

take care

love Sarah

we arent mad, just the next stage of evolution :)

27-07-04, 11:00

I agree, I told her EXACTLY the same thing!!![^]

Kate x

27-07-04, 17:42
There you go Kate

Great minds think alike eh?...lol

love Sarah

we arent mad, just the next stage of evolution :)

27-07-04, 21:36
Hey are you lot ganging up on me lol [:O]

No news yet I am afraid so still not sure what is happening. We move to Logica next Thursday so they are cutting it fine to tell us aren't they?

The guys have been really good about it but I still may look for another job cos I seem to be doing all the WORK now cos they have decided there is no point doing any now!!! Grrrr

Will let you all know

Thanks for thinking of me



28-07-04, 19:21
Hi Nic

Yeap we are ganging up on you!!!!!

They are leaving it a bit tight if you move over on Thursday. I can imagine the guys not pulling their weight if they think they are getting moved, but that isnt fair on you at all. Get them told Nic!!!!

As the others say think of yourself first for once.

Love Sal xxxxx

30-07-04, 20:46
Hi Nicola

Just wanted to say that I'm thinking of you. Give the guys a kick up their backsides and tell them to get on with it work wise - its not fair that you're having to do nearly all of it with the move just around the corner. I can understand that they might not be too motivated but I'm sure they understand that you can't do it all on your own. Good luck for Thursday, hope it all goes well. As my friend always tells me, as one door closes, another one opens .... Who knows, this could be a really good thing.

Lots of love Jo xxx

30-07-04, 21:12
Thanks Sal and Jo

We still haven't heard a thing - bad aint it - we move in 3 working days time!!

Oh well - I shall see what happens and make sure that I come out on top this time for a change.

Thanks for all the support and the positive comments



30-07-04, 23:49
Hi Nic

Not a case of make sure, you will hon. Think of yourself for a change, might be hard as seems you never have and you will be fine.

Trust me everything will go your way you deserve it. By the time i am at your house next week you will be sorted.

Everyone keeps telling you to think of yourself and stop worrying about others for once i hope you have listened to us all LOL

Take care and i will see you very soon. Cant wait to me up. Must admit getting a bit dubious about the 200 mile drive, but keep telling myself i can do it. If i get there in one piece Nic and have a bad one, remind me i coped coming down so will be ok going bac. Otherwise if you dont you will have me and Sarah sleeping on the floor LOL

Joking aside not sure i can do it but will try, hope i dont let anyone down.

Lots of love Sal xxxxx

31-07-04, 18:08
Hiya Sal

Thanks mate - I am taking it all on board.

Don't worry about the meet up if you can't face it. It is not something that you HAVE to do and please don't do it if you are going to be stressed out.

You can always call me enroute if you feel bad and I will push you on lol.

See how you feel Saturday morning and decide then ok?



02-08-04, 22:21
Ok got the contract today

I get an extra £45 a year for doing an extra 1/2 hour per week - I DONT THINK SO!

Got a car allowance of £209 per month - NICE ONE!

On-call payments - hmm!! we get £35 per night and £70 per sat and sun. They want to pay £25 per night and ONLY £35 per weekend day - I DONT THINK SO.

So I aint signing it lol.

Can still walk out Wednesday night - how cool would that be (if stupid)!!

No news on who is going/staying


02-08-04, 22:41
Forgot to mention that my boss got £4000 a year increase and £379 a month car allowance, Nick got £1,300 a year and Kev got nowt (apart from car allowance).

Bad aint it


09-08-04, 12:47
Hey Nic

You hang in there girl. I can't believe what they have offered you. I don't blame you for not signing

Has anything been resolved yet?


09-08-04, 20:01

I had to give in lol. They refused to budge and I couldn't turn down £209 a month - even though I will be worse off cos we won't be doing on-call so that was an extra £5000 a year!

Oh well - I can look around I guess.

No news on who is staying yet - we find out this week. Will let you know.


10-08-04, 10:26
oh well maybe you will get a bit more time to yourself without the on call.

Keep smiling


10-08-04, 18:58
Hi all

Well got told this morning that the best person for the job is staying at Britannia. :D

That is me LOL (in case you were wondering).

I am happy cos it is less stress looking for a new job and gives me time to look around when I am ready to.

They never mentioned the travel problems as a reason, just said that they thought I would be the best person to leave on site running things and they knew I would do a great job of it. [^]

So there you go - GIRL POWER [:P]:)

Thanks all for the support through this


10-08-04, 21:05
hi nic, yes the best person, tcx andrew

10-08-04, 22:06
The best outcome. Great.

Now in your own time you can decide whether you want to stay there.



11-08-04, 00:49
Hi Nic

Been thinking of how your one to one went but by sounds of it went really well. Best person for the job, they chose you which we all trusted they would. And as you said they didnt mention the travelling so you got it on complete merit without having to mention your problems, so that is a better bonus for you.

Like Meg says if you are not sure you want to stay there, like we said on Saturday it gives you the time to look for something else without the pressure of needing to get a job.

Really pleased for you hon, you deserved it and you didnt have to think of yourself you did it on how you work. Good on you, bet you are so pleased. Dont worry about the other guys having to travel to London it will never be as hard for them as would have been for you.

So pleased for you.

Good luck in your new position mate.

Love Sal xxxxx

11-08-04, 00:50

Nic you will have to change the title of this post as you didnt get the job coz you panic !!!!!!!!

Love Sal xxxxx

11-08-04, 10:18
Congrats Nic

Now you're back in control again.

Hope all goes well

11-08-04, 10:54
See Nicola, we told you it was because they rated you so highly - congratulations! I bet you feel well chuffed :D

Even though your new terms and conditions may not be perfect, there's no reason you can't look for something else after a while. I think you did the right thing staying as its always easier to find another job when you're in one. My hubby Steve has just been made redundant from very senior position (nightmare as I'm due to start my masters in September) and his biggest worry is that prospective employers are more likely to favour applicants who are in jobs. I'm sure he'll be fine but its such a confidence knock for him. Bless!

Well done Nicola, dead chuffed for you :D

Lots of love Jo xxx

11-08-04, 17:59
Hiya Nic

All worked out brilliant in the end didnt it?

Good for you mate, dead pleased for you!!

love Sarah

we arent mad, just the next stage of evolution :)

11-08-04, 22:44
Thanks Guys

They now tell me I have to go Wales for a day - aggghhh - 3.5hours drive, so I will make sure I do it in works time.

I also have people coming to see me next week and the other guys dont care now so I have to look after them all the time.

I hope it gets easier soon.

I am not too worried about the trip to Wales but it is a long day and I dont need it at the moment.

All will be ok soon I hope
