View Full Version : Some advice please

07-01-14, 17:19
I am finding at the moment real problems with my breathing. I am constantly panicking that I can't breathe properly or that my throat will close up or that my heavy chest wont be able to rise and then I panic about what if I stop breathing? I am currently very anxious over ballet class this evening as I am terrified that if i cant control my breathing now sitting at home I wont be able to when my breathing rate is increased from dance. I am scared aswell I have something wrong with me and excercising will make it worse. I just dont know what to do as my mum is forcing me to go. What can I do?

07-01-14, 17:25
deep breathes,

07-01-14, 17:26
It is anxiety that is making you feel like you can't breathe properly. If you can, try laying on your back with one hand on your chest and one on your stomach. Breathe in through your nose counting to 4 and causing your stomach to rise. Hold two seconds. Breathe out for six seconds compressing your stomach muscles. This will cause an actual change in your body (I am sorry I cannot remember how to explain it.), and will help your breathing. Exercising will not cause you any danger (you are not in danger now), but if you panic over the feelings you will have more adrenaline released in your body and may experience more symptoms from the adrenaline- NONE of which are dangerous. They just feel very uncomfortable.

You will be okay. Can you talk with your mom about how you are feeling?

07-01-14, 17:29
Your body breathes on its own, like when you're asleep. It's the one thing you can bank on !
Your only problem is you're thinking about your breathing. Forget it and it'll do it perfectly for you.

07-01-14, 17:52
Yeah my mums gone to work now and im really panicky about my breathing I just hate feeling like i cant breathe x

---------- Post added at 17:52 ---------- Previous post was at 17:40 ----------

Ive texted her to ask to not go because im really anxious but she hasnt replied