View Full Version : hiccups

07-01-14, 18:47
hi I have brain tumor fears all time cuz I get headaches every single day along with,
feeling or being sick.
of balance
eyes go funny,
shortness of breath.
tonight I have developed hiccups and I read hiccups can b because of brain tumor. plz help im so scared

07-01-14, 19:14
I have never heard of hiccups being because of a brain tumour. Where on earth did you read that?

07-01-14, 20:17
I read it online is was on a list of bt symptoms

07-01-14, 21:03
What site though?

07-01-14, 21:04
Ok I found a site that mentions it but says:

Hiccups are a sudden contraction or spasm of the diaphragm (the breathing muscle under the lungs). They’re a reflex action, so they aren’t under your control.
Mild hiccups are common. They usually only last for a few minutes and don’t need to be treated. However, if you have hiccups that keep coming back or that last for more than two days, you may need treatment. When hiccups last for a long time it can be distressing and uncomfortable. It can also make eating, drinking and sleeping difficult.
Hiccups can be caused by:

a bloated stomach
a change in the levels of certain chemicals in the blood
certain medicines, such as steroids, painkillers and some chemotherapy drugs
irritation to the diaphragm, caused by conditions such as an enlarged liver
irritation to the brain (http://www.macmillan.org.uk/Cancerinformation/Cancertypes/Brain/Braintumours.aspx) caused by a tumour - although this is rare.

07-01-14, 21:05
Have you seen doc about all the symptoms as well?

08-01-14, 14:07
thnx for ur help Nicola