View Full Version : Trapped wind or something bad?

Fly away Katie
07-01-14, 19:30
Hey guys. I have such an annoying/weird/uncomfortable feeling.

My right ribs feel weird, like something is pulled/trapped or like theres a ball of wind trapped or something. I think it almost 'pops' sometimes when i twist my body a little. No pain! Just this annoying feeling.
Started 3 days ago. It feels like it moves around a bit, like earlier, i felt it more in my bottom right tummy!

It started with my bra feeling a bit sore where the underwire sits on my rib on the right side.. Then kind of turned into this odd feeling.

Anxiety fears: theres a lump/ what if my lung is collapsing/ what id it never goes/ what if its something really bad..... The list goes on :weep:

Im also bloated but am due on period in 2 days time.

Anyone had similar? Could it just be wind?

Freaking out!!!!!! Any replies/reassurance would be gratefully appreciated :) xxxxxxxxxx

07-01-14, 21:07
I can't reassure you because I'm freaking out about pretty much the same thing.

I've had pain in my ribs ONLY on the right side, for about 6 months. It's not getting better and it's scaring me today.

Just thought it might help you to know that someone else has right side rib pain. Hope you get it sorted soon x

Fly away Katie
09-01-14, 02:45
Thank although mines not so much of a pain, but an odd feeling.

Anyone else?

I'm lying in bed shaking :( it feels like it pulls in my right ribs when I breathe!!

Terrified!!!!! Xxxxx :(

09-01-14, 22:12
Hi, I have had similar too, mine has been going on since 2009. Its hard to expain as mostly its not a pain just discomfort although sometimes it is an ache and can be sharp. It feels as if there is something stuck just under my ribs. At first I was convinced that it was a cancerous mass etc. I have had scans which showed a fatty liver, my bloods are always normal. the consultant told me it was more than likely IBS, so I have just taken his word for it. Mine does respond to colpermin, but truly never really goes completeley. Guys please dont worry yourselves to much as it does seem to be a rather common problem with anxiety sufferers. If you are really worried pop and see your doctor. :D

10-01-14, 00:49
I had a similar problem a few years ago and off and on since. Mine felt like something was wedged under my rib cage. It ended up being muscular. the muscles in my lower right back were so tight, they were pulling on my ribcage and pelvis. I started sitting in my massage chair every night while I read and stretched and it finally started to get better.

10-01-14, 01:30
I've been feeling the same past two days but feels like someone has blew me up with loads of air that won't release :blush: and if I eat it just makes the bubbling worse.. I've tried having rennie deflating they help for a short while but then the air fill back up again ??

Fly away Katie
10-01-14, 17:03
Thanks for all of your replies! I'm still having the feeling quite badly. Does anyone have it where they feel short of breath too.. Especially when you lie on the rib side? I feel sick I'm so worried :( it's so uncomfy!!!! Xxxxxxx

10-01-14, 22:34
Honestly katie please dont stress too much, it really can feel as if something awful is going on, but you will be fine. Try buying some colpermin tablets they really do help this uncomfortable problem. They are only peppermint oil, no nasty drugs, expensive but worth every penny.

Fly away Katie
13-01-14, 16:32
Thanks everyone!! Just got to the doctors! Absolutely terrified what they're gonna say!! Any last min words of reassurance? It's horrible when you're waiting!!


14-01-14, 15:47
How did the docs go.

Fly away Katie
14-01-14, 17:17
Hey Hun the doc said my ribs feel normal, my chest sounded normal, and my oxygen levels are normal. He reckons its a pulled muscle. I felt a little better after going. I'm taking ibuprofen to help. Although today my tummy has been bloated after eating and my breathing is all tight, I'm hoping the food is because I haven't eaten much in a while and hoping the breathing is anxiety. Thank you for your reassurance and for being there! Means more than you'll ever know :) xxxxxx